The Tree Room,12, Trinity Street, Colchester, CO1 1JN
The Tree Room,12, Trinity Street, Colchester, CO1 1JN
Changing Lifecourse with Alex Klokkaris Training, Coaching, Facilitation 074361 13033 Norwich and surrounds, Suffolk and Essex
Changing Lifecourse with Alex KlokkarisTraining, Coaching, Facilitationwww.ChangingLifecourse.com074361 13033         Norwich and surrounds, Suffolk and Essex     

Ethical Company Initiative

Changing Lifecourse is a socially responsible company. A proportion of my work is pro bono to support individudals and communities in need.

It is my belief that we can all so something to make a difference, especially in the current period of humanity that brings so much change and chaos.


We are all needed. We can each make a difference with what we have, doing what we can. One person and one action at a time.


Let us take back our power from a dysfunctional society that has got its priorities upside down, and, one step at a time, do what we can to create a more equitible and compassionate world for all.

And together we can do it!



In February 2022, Changing Lifecourse intitiated a community foraging group in Norfolk, attracting people from neary diverse communities to explore nature, reduce social isolation and encourage collaborative learning and celebration of our environment. The group continues to thrive and has been awarded a grant by the local council to employ a foraging teacher for guided walks. 


Mentoring Opportunities


Changing Lifecourse has capacity for one mentorship per year. Currently supporting a young man through university, now in his third year and thriving. For enquiries or to get on a waiting list, please drop me a line, explaining what it is you feel you need from a mentor and what steps you have taken already to help yourself move forward. 



Jaunuary 2022: Free transition coaching workshops for anyone who feels trapped working for an unethical company. This offering is based on the belief that each one of us has a responsibility to make this world a better place, or at least not to contribute to causing further damage to our planet and its people!

Please contact me for the dates of the next workshop. Absolutely free and no strings or marketing, just your space to explore your options in a professional and safe space with expert facilitation and guidance. A space to identify positive alternative solutions and gain inspiration for your next move!



From 23rd March 2020 - 15th June 2021

In these times of uncertainty and turmoil, I would like to make my own offering reaching out to the community.

I am am offering free resilience coaching sessions for anyone who feels the need to gain some tools and strategies personalised to your own requirements.

To book your free session - withabsolutely no strings - please email me at or call me at above number to arrange an a telephone or Zoom appointment.

Look forward to speaking with you. - Alex



The Journey to Self-Acceptance


Helping to raise funds for North and Mid Essex MIND

Interactive Lecture by Alex Klokkaris
 February 2019,  
at Brightlingsea Winterfest


Learn tools and techniques to begin to make peace with yourself, starting from where you are now.

Gain insights into barriers you unconsciously put up and learn how to begin to release them, for the next chapter of your own growth and development.

Learn  powerful srategies for learning to develop greater self-acceptance and self-esteem

Everybody welcome!

, Venue: Brightlingsea Sports Centre,   27 Samson's Rd, Brightlingsea, Colchester CO7 0RN

Admission free


September 2019 Rice and Spice Festival, Colchester


Changing Lifecourse Coaching actively supports community initiatives and for the third year running, I have found myself in the depths of the local community helping to organise parts of this festival. Will be great to see you there!


Organised by the purely volunteer-led Colchester Ethnic Forum, this is what we do: We create an arena for getting people together from all parts of our diverse community to meet and  interact, enjoy music, dance and  food from different cultures. Also to  have fun, learn from each other's cultures, and have the opportunity to mingle and  break perceived barriers. 

In our last two festivals, everyone commented on the great, inclusive and dynamic atmosphere and friendliness. You'll find me in the Wellbeing area or doing the Greek dance workshop!


Free entry and suitable for all the family



Open Dialogue Workshops



Promoting social inclusion and access to public and local services


A rare opportunity to initiate and develop sustainable relations with local black and ethnic minority groups. The aim of the Open Dialogue is to provide an arena to explore ways forward to increase engagement and access to public services, as well as participation in the wider community.


The relationship of trust that the trainers have built over years working closely with local BME communities, provides the ideal conditions for an open dialogue where much-needed communication can take place. The process of ‘bridging of the gap’ will be encouraged for these communities that are under-represented and often slip through the net in terms of access to local provision.


The Open Dialogue workshop will bring together a small invited audience from the local BME community, with interpreters where needed, and will provide an opportunity to dialogue with public service and third sector professionals and volunteers.

The 3-hour Open Dialogue will be structured in such a way as to maximise communication and provide opportunities to achieve the following aims:

  • To improve understanding of intercultural issues regarding access public and other local services
  • Gain a greater understanding of the impact of culture/ethnicity on ethnic minority members’ ability to access and participate in local services and initiatives
  • Initiate and explore ways of developing sustainable relations with local BME groups and individuals
  • Provide the opportunity for local BME members to have their voices heard regarding access local services
  • Identify barriers to accessing local services through sharing experiences of accessing or using public and social provision
  • Identify ways to increase participation in integrated and joint up work and initiatives
  • Explore how information sharing can be made more accessible and relevant to BME individuals
  • Identify ways forward to develop culturally relevant services and processes that reflect and include BME needs



Following introductions, the space will be given over to the participants. Delegates will be divided into smaller groups with a facilitator at each table to help generate discussion through asking open ended questions on identified themes. Interpreters will be present as required. A scribe on each table will note main points and will feed back to the group at the end in an open space session.  A series of recommendations based on the open dialogue and an evaluation report will subsequently be disseminated to all delegates and attendees.

Training delivery: Alex Klokkaris in association with Rachel Walton from AFiUK, social enterpise.

For more details please contact me Alex Kokkairs on 07436113033 or drop me an email 

Online and teelphone coaching appointments available, please call 074361 13033 - if you leave a voicemail will get back to you within 24 hours

or email me at



:"You help my spirits rise and stay focused on my journey of real and lasting change...I am finding the coaching sessions with you very helpful and I truly value them!
Thank you so much"
TF Environmental Lecturer,  2020
"I can't put into words how much your style of workshop and presenting things to us in such an insightful way, really resonates with me. I find the groups, whether face to face or online really thought-provoking and potentially life changing. Thank you!' 
Jo,  Artist   October 2020


" Alex is a truly inspirational trainer. My  work with her has served to reinforce my own inklings as to the way forward and as a result of the training I have developed a greater certainty as to what I will be doing next."



Bringing Your Vision into Reality workshop 

"Coaching with Alex helped me move forward with a plan that I feel confident about. I recommend it for everyone.


Education Manager


"After each session, I felt revitalised, invigorated, recharged and ready to hit those challenges!  I have developed as a person through our sessions with a renewed clarity  in my life and Alex was pivotal in that change."

Kevin Hannigan



"Alex helped me identify some vital elements I needed to deal with before I could even think of properly mapping out goals for the next stage in my life."


Teacher and Artist


"Through my coaching with Alex, I felt encouraged and supported to make necessary changes and come up with solutions that were right for me.'

Ann Draycott

Owner of 'Time for your Life'


"Alex has the incredible ability to ask the right questions and even more importantly to wait for the answers, helping me to clear the clutter in my mind and enhance my own self-belief with her infectuous enthusiasm."

William McCaferty


" Thanks for a great session.Once again leaving it feeling very positive and in control."

D.O. Arts Administrator, London

"Loved the workshop in so many ways. Lovely people, interactive, liked the way it was conducted, fantastic. An enjoyable and inspirational experience."


Developing Your Vision workshop




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