Life Coaching Explained

Free introductory session by phone, Zoom, Skype, Microsoft Teams or Whatsapp. Your chance to get a feel of how we could work together to identify ways forward for you.

How Does Coaching Work?

Life coaching is a process of helping you to move forward, from where you are now to where you want to be, in any area of life, be it work, career, home life, health, relationships.  It is different from counselling in that it does not focus on emotional problems but on solutions.

Coaching is:

  • Results orientated. The aim is to achieve specific  results on goals we have identified
  • A commitment on both parties to work together to maximize effectiveness of the sessions
  • A focused process that sometimes challenges old ways of thinking and being
  • A process by which you will be fully supported and guided in a non-judgemental way
  • It is work in progress, often many-faceted and my job is to keep you focused and motivated so as not to lose sight of your goal
  • It is an 'organic' approach in that sometimes other things emerge and the original goal may change
  • It is always YOUR agenda. Coaching isn't about giving you advice but helping you find your own answers.


NEW    Anxiety Coaching Now  telephone and Zoom sessions available. No waiting lists.


In response to unrealistic waiting lists for accessing support in mental health, I am now offering an affordable Anxiety Coaching support package.


Social anxiety and general anxiety coaching.


If you’re ready to do some work on yourself to learn to manage your anxiety to gain greater peace, then this could be for you.

 Learning to cope with anxiety is a totally individual journey.


I am here for you to guide you through the process of discovering tools and strategies that work for you, and a deeper level of finding more everyday peace and enjoyment in your life.

Free initial call with no obligation, to see if this is for you.

Fee is £35 per session, discount on block sessions.




I believe in offering excellent value and bring 25 years of experience, expertise, intuition and insight fully with each person in our coaching. See   What my clients say 


Life coaching packages:


Focused telephone or online coaching sessions: Zoom  or Microsoft Teams

[Face to face sessions also offered in Norwich with fee to cover consultation room costs}


Package 1:

  • Free introductory 30 minute session Zoom or phone
  • Six forty minute sessions by Zoom or telephone at a mutually convenient time on a weekly or fortnightly basis, as required
  • Fee £275


Package 2:

  • Free introductory 30 minute session 
  • Six  60 minute sessions 
  • Feedback email after each session
  • Tools and techniques on how to amplify and maximise the impact of your coaching
  • Additional hour follow up coaching session 
  • Fee  £375.00


Package 3:

  • Free introductory 30 minute session by Zoom or telephone
  • One 90 minute session to get you off to a flying start
  • Six one-hour sessions 
  • Feedback by email after each session with summary and insights (equivalent to an additional hour after each session)
  • Unlimited email support in between sessions to give you that extra boost and motivation
  • A luxury journal for your goals work
  • Free tools and techniques to amplify and maximise the impact of your coaching
  • Additional two follow up coaching session 3 and 6 months following our contract to check and boost your progress
  • Fee £650


At the end of the sessions offered by each package, we can discuss or renew as required. Most clients feel empowered and inspired by the end of our coaching to go it alone and build up to the next stage of their personal growth.


Individual online single sessions booked singly £75 per hourly session {Option: £95 with a detailed email feedback}



Life coaching is an investment in yourself which at pivotal points of life where there is clearly change on the horizon, can give you that boost to focus, get clarity, take action and get results, backed up by my professional and wholehearted support and commitment to your process.


What to expect:


I tailor my approach to your individual needs and goals. Sessions are based on a continual process of assessment, goal setting, action steps and back to assessment.
Individual coaching takes place online or by telephone, in the comfort of your home, your office or any other quiet place you would prefer.


An initial telephone coaching session is offered free of charge with no commitment whatsoever.


The aim of this first session is to find out a little about yourself and the topics you wish to work on, to explain more about the coaching process, answer any questions and to have the opportunity to decide whether you would like to go ahead with our coaching partnership.


The coaching takes place by appointment at a mutually convenient time. You will need to ensure that there will be no interruptions and you have total privacy, armed with a pad or journal to take notes of insights, key information and actions.


In addition to our weekly or fortnightly telephone sessions, I offer email support at an additional charge  to give you that extra support in between sessions should you feel you need it.


As well as the overall goal we will identify through our process, there will be a goal for each session which you will decide beforehand, or we work together to identify. This will make the sessions even more effective. By the end of each session we agree on a set of actions to be assessed in the following session.


It is recommended that sessions take place weekly or fortnightly and a block of six sessions is usually a good starting point to reach positive and sustainable results. At the end of the six sessions, we can review and discuss additional sessions as required. I’ve found that these frequencies allow us to properly track and support the realisation of your plans.


The process often involves re-evaluating the way you think about things, identifying patterns, energy drains and limited thinking that holds you back, so it is important to have an attitude of openness as well as the willingness to begin, with my total support and guidance, to reframe and replace with more positive, clear, helpful thinking and actions which you can begin to implement throughout the process.


I look forward to working with you

 - Alex