Courses are tailored to suit individuals and groups with specific requirements and can be designed to suit particular briefs.
Third sector and public sector services
Responding to your Staff & Management Training requirements
Delivering valuable key outcomes on wellbeing and work management
Changing Lifecourse provides a range of packages and flexible coaching services tailored to your and your organisational requirements.
- Imrpove your personal performance
- Reduce job-related stress
- Improve efficiency, time-management and teamworking
- Gain fresh insights and map new ways forward
- Attain a toolkit for managing challenges more effectively
Following an initial meeting we agree on clear outcomes for ust to work towards. I use a range of coaching methods and materials tailored to your needs.
To book an initial consulation please call me on 07436 113033 or email
Clients include:
University of the Arts, London
Norfolk County Council
Essex County Council ACL
NHS Primary Care Personnel
Coast-Ed Partnership Trust,Tendring District Council
Signpost Essex
Merchants Place Resource Centre, Cromer
Colchester Night Shelter
Intervention Consultancy (Probation Services)
Your Living Room CIC
AFiUK (Afreican Families in the UK) CIC
CARA Colchester
Colchester Institute
Careerserve Co-operative
Emmaus UK
CVS Tendring
East of England Migration Partnership
Tendring and Colchester Migration Partnership
Terraconsult Ltd
Resilience and Mindfulness in the Workplace
Antidote to stress, greater sense of wellbeing and more control of your daily workload!
Tools and practical techniques to develop increased emotional resilience and greater satisfaction and effectiveness in the workplace… and in life!
Introduction to mindfulness and techniques for greater focus, energy and effectiveness at work
Recognising and transforming stress using awareness techniques
Mindfulness at your desk and in meetings
Strategies for greater resilience
Techniques for self- compassion and practical mindfulness
Tools to overcome ‘negativity bias’
Responding creatively to challenges
Exercises and techniques adaptable to everyday life
Format: One day course or 6 x 45 minute sessions delivered weekly.
Tangible workplace outcomes include:
Please contact Alex Klokkaris 07436 113033
Workshop Design and Facilitation Services
Tailored facilitation and workshops to meet your team’s unique needs
Providing independent facilitation to give teams a voice and clairfy shared visions
Changing Lifecourse Facilitation service brings stakeholders together to work through a structured process to achieve desired objectives:
Comprehensive and bespoke service with over 15 years experience of working in the heart of the community.
Delegate feedback:
“A clear action plan and plenty of inspiration”
“Enjoyed today, being able to be honest and open about my challenges”
“Gained clarity and direction, Alex is a natural focilitator and inspires confidence and open thinking”
“Thought-provoking, plenty to take forward”
To contact Alex please email or call 074361 1303
Coaching Skills for Managers
Authentic, inspiring and practical workshops for the public sector
Aimed at Line Managers, Project Mangers and Leaders within Public Sector services.
The workshop will give you tools and strategies to get the most out of your teams and help develop a coaching culture.
Identify and take advantage of coaching opportunities both formal and informal
Develop an active coaching mindset
Gain an insight into coaching approaches and develop a palette of resources for everyday workplace challenges
Practise skills in listening to understand and delivering effective feedback
Learn powerful questioning techniques for effective communication and motivation
Develop a reflective practice for your CPD
Personal action plan for implementing learning
Follow up: Opportunity to have a one to one 30 minute session with trainer to discuss success, challenges and implementation
For course content please visit
Contact Alex Klokkaris on Tel: 07436 113033
Cultural Awareness Training for the Public Sector
This workshop focuses on ways in which safeguarding processes need to take account of culture, ethnicity and race, and the possible impact of cultural background on accessing and using local services. It will explore issues such as:
Why this is important
Delegate feedback:
"It has strengthened my commitment to work collaboratively with the existing agencies to establish community trust."
"I feel more passionate and mindful in going forward with my work with multi-cultural families."
Please contact Alex Klokkaris on 07436113033
Or Rachel Walton
Cultural Awareness – Promoting social inclusion in the Arts for ethnic minorities
The course is aimed at individuals and teams involved in the provision and promotion of the Arts.
This participative workshop aims to increase understanding of culture, ethnicity and race and its impact on engagement with the Arts. It aims is to raise awareness of barriers to accessing the Arts among ethnic minority groups and individuals and to explore ways of encouraging the development of culturally appropriate and inclusive approaches and initiatives. Participants will also have the opportunity identify ways forward to increase engagement and encourage participation in under-represented ethnic minority audiences.
By the end of the course you will have an increased awareness and understanding of the following:
The workshop will consist of short presentations, group discussion, practical activities, small group exploration and discovery. Participants will be encouraged to work collaboratively and creatively together to identify appropriate ways to implement learning and consider next steps.
Training delivery: Alex Klokkaris in association with Rachel Walton from AFiUK social enterprise
For further details of this workshop and for bookings please email or call me on 07436113033
Open Dialogue Workshops
Promoting social inclusion and access to public and local services
A rare opportunity to initiate and develop sustainable relations with local black and ethnic minority groups. The aim of the Open Dialogue is to provide an arena to explore ways forward to increase engagement and access to public services, as well as participation in the wider community. The relationship of trust that the trainers have built over years working closely with local BME communities, provides the ideal conditions for an open dialogue where much-needed communication can take place. The process of ‘bridging of the gap’ will be encouraged for these communities that are under-represented and often slip through the net in terms of access to local provision.
The Open Dialogue workshop will bring together a small invited audience from the local BME community, with interpreters where needed, and will provide an opportunity to dialogue with public service and third sector professionals and volunteers.
The 3-hour Open Dialogue will be structured in such a way as to maximise communication and provide opportunities to achieve the following aims:
Following introductions, the space will be given over to the participants i.e. public sector delegates and the local BME community. Delegates will be divided into smaller groups with a facilitator at each table to help generate discussion through asking open ended questions on identified themes. Interpreters will be present as required. A scribe on each table will note main points and will feed back to the group at the end in an open space session. A series of recommendations based on the open dialogue and an evaluation report will subsequently be disseminated to all delegates and attendees.
Training delivery: Alex Klokkaris in association with Rachel Walton from AFiUK, social enterpise.
For more details please contact me Alex Kokkairs on 07436113033 or drop me an email
Coaching Skills for Mentors
This one day course is designed to equip professionals working with individuals or groups with the basic principles and tools for coaching that can be applied to gain clarity, increased quality of communication and help reach specific workplace outcomes.
Each workshop is tailored to organisational or individual requirements and is preceded by a free consultation.
Feedback from delegates from Coast-ed Tendring School Mentors :
"Really enjoyed the course, thank you, got a lot out of it."
"Clearer in my mind about the differences and overlaps between coaching and mentoring, and will use both to be a more effective mentor."
"Great tools and ideas to take forward and put into practice, thank you!"
Building Successful Teams
Have you got what it takes to be a first class team player? This one day course will help you take your team-working skills to the next level. The course will include
- A brief exploration of team dynamics
- Characteristics of teams and team players
- Inventory of strengths, roles and responsibilities
- Co-operation, negotiation and ownership
- Integrating individual goals into group and organisational goals
- Communication, conflict-management and decision-making
A powerful course designed to equip participants with tools for managing conflict in teams, communicating more effectively and increasing productivity in teams.
Personal and Professional Effectiveness in the Workplace
A course especially designed to enable individuals to become more effective and happier in the workplace. Emphasis will be on self-care and self-management, with practical strategies for stress reduction and a better work-life balance. Course components include:
- Practical time management techniques
- Identifying and removing energy and time drains
- Assertiveness techniques: When and how to say no
- Recognising the signs and impact of stress
- Powerful and effective stress management techniques
- Quick and effective relaxation techniques
"Insightful and easy to absorb!"
"It's been an excellent day! The course has covered many aspects of work issues I needed help with. "
"Enjoyed today, loved being able to be honest and open about my challenges, informative discussions, lots of tips and strategies to put into practice."
Above quotes from Learning Mentors, Essex, 2013
Assertiveness Training
A workshop to increase assertiveness and deal more effectively with challenges in the workplace and other areas of life.
"The course has given me tools and food for thought about moving forward in every possible way and made me think more about establishing my own self-reliance."
E.S. Colchester
June 2012
"Opening Minds, Widening Opportunities"
A one-day workshop to help participants understand and explore new thinking and opportunities and develop a personal vision for their life and career. A joint course with associate Dr Atul Shah, CEO of Diverse Ethics.
a.m. session:
- What is truly an open mind?
- Why is it important and what's in it for me?
- Practicalities : How do I cultivate an open mind?
p.m. session:
- Developing a personal vision
- Using coaching tools for developing clarity, focus and strategy
- Implementing your personal action plan for career success
- Tools for staying motivated and inspired.
"An excellent day, interesting and enlightening, thank you!" R.S. Colchester, May 2013
"Thank you for a thought-provoking and enjoyable day!" Rachel Walton, Colchester, May 2013
"A brilliant course! Thanks to Atul and Alex for their presentations. I will be reviewing the material we covered to really digest the process while in search for my true Essence!" Kayla, Chelmsford, May 2013
ACCESS Cultural Awareness Workshop - in conjunction with TACMEP (Funded by the European Integration Fund)
Facilitated by Alex Klokkaris and Rachel Walton
Due to popular demand these workshops are now being repeated on the following dates:
Time: | 09:30 - 12:30 |
This multi-agency workshop will focus on ways in which safeguarding processes need to take account of culture, ethnicity and race, and the possible impact of cultural background on accessing and using local services. It will focus on women and families migrating to the UK from outside Europe.
It will explore issues such as:
Why this is important
There is no charge to attend this event.
Lunch will be available from 12:30 to give delegates the opportunity to network with the trainers and fellow attendees.
All attendees will receive a Certificate of Attendance and a comprehensive guidebook to promote understanding of world faiths, cultures and appropriate services.
For further information contact Louise Gooch, Strategic Migration Partnership, East of England LGA, email: telephone: 01284 758308
Delegate feedback:
"It has strengthened my commitment to work collaboratively with the existing agencies to establish community trust." Feb 2015
Emotional Resilience in the Workplace
A course to equip employees with powerful and effective tools to deal with the fast pace of change and stress in the workplace, through a range of prevention and intervention skills.
Customised, to suit your organisational requirements, key benefits include:
Topics covered include:
- Recognising signs of stress and work overload
- Strategies for developing emotional resilience
- Creating optimal states for dealing with challenging situations
- Developing greater levels of sustained focus
- Improving effectiveness in decision-making
- Developing realistic optimism and sense of well-being
Practical Coaching Skills in the Workplace
A one day course to equip individuals with a range of high-impact coaching techniques to increase personal and professional effectiveness in the workplace. The day's modules will include:
- Overview of the Coaching Model
- Effective goal-setting and achieving positive outcomes
- Powerful questioning techniques for first rate communication
- Rapport-building secrets and NLP communication techniques
- Motivational techniques for yourself and your team
- The art of reframing limiting beliefs
- Application of coaching methods in conflict resolution
- Building confidence and positive self -image in the workplace
The day will be interactive and will draw on participants' own experiences to maximise the impact of the learning. Participants will also have the opportunity to work through the model on a topic pertinent to themselves to gain a thorough understanding of the coaching model in use.
Facilitation of an Open Dialogue workshop, between representatives of public services and local women who have migrated to the East of England.
The aim of the workshop is to encourage dialogue and awareness of access to public services and barriers encountered, to build positive and lasting relations in the community and to identify sustainable service improvements.
The workshop is part of the ACCESS project, organised by the East of England Migration Partnership in conjunction with Tacmep.
Attendance is by invitation only. To register your interest please contact
Date:November 5th 2014
Time: 9.30 - 12.30
Venue: First Site, Colchester, Lewis Gardens, High Street, Colchester, CO1 1JH.
Refreshments and light lunch provided
Feedback from delegates:
“Enjoyed workshop, found it thought-provoking, great discussions. Would like more opportunities such as this to increase my cultural competence and knowledge.”
“Opportunity to sort out and learn from migrant communities of issues/problems they have accessing services.”
“Excellent opportunity to meet representatives from local community and agencies, to hear real stories of life and the perspectives of those who count.”