The Tree Room,12, Trinity Street, Colchester, CO1 1JN
The Tree Room,12, Trinity Street, Colchester, CO1 1JN
Changing Lifecourse with Alex Klokkaris Training, Coaching, Facilitation 074361 13033 Norwich and surrounds, Suffolk and Essex
Changing Lifecourse with Alex KlokkarisTraining, Coaching, Facilitationwww.ChangingLifecourse.com074361 13033         Norwich and surrounds, Suffolk and Essex     

Forthcoming Courses with Alex Klokkaris  2025

Keep in touch with the latest online courses and free courses and talks.

 To receive updated newsletter with al the latest courses and inspiration, sent only once every two months,  click :  Changing Lifecourse newsletter



Fresh and exciting new courses, workshops and inspirational talks for 2025!



Online courses for Norfolk residents UK

Courses below are part-subsidised according to means for all Norfolk residents UK, avaialble through Norfolk Adult Learning. For more information and to register please contact

Goal Setting for Work and Life starts Thurs 27th Feb 9.30-12.30 (5 sessions)
Journaling for Wellbeing and Inspiration starts Fr 28th Feb 6-9 pm (2 sessions)
Life Coaching 2 Starts Fr 7th March 9.30-12.30 (5 sessions)
Developing Your Intuition starts  Fr 14th March 6-9 pm (4 sessions)
Your New Vision in Life or Career starts Tues 22nd April 1.30-4.30 (5 sessions)
Declutter Your Life starts Fr 25th April 9.30-12.30 (5 sessions)
Life Coaching 1 starts Fr 25th April 6-9 pm (5 sessions)
Goal Setting for Work and Life starts Tues 3rd June 1.30-4.30 (4 sessions)
Journaling for Wellbeing and Inspiration starts Fr 6th June 9.30-12.30 (2 sessions)
Life Coaching 2 starts Fr 6th June 6-9 pm (6 sessions)
Boost Your Emotional Intelligence starts Wed 18th June 9.30-12.30 (2 sessions)
Your New Vision in Life or Career starts Friday 20th June 9.30-12.30 (4 sessions)

Courses available in 2025  through Adult Community,  Learning, for Essex county UK residents

These courses are free for Essex County residents, a small fee for non Essex residnets in UK. For information and to enrol on any of the courses below please visit

Stepping Up Your Motivation Tues 28th Jan and 4th Feb 1.30-4 pm
Assertiveness Skills for Work Tues 28th Jan and 4th Feb 6-8.30
Managing Overwhelm Wed 29th Jan and 5th Feb 6.30-9 pm
Procrastination and Time Management Mon 3rd and 10th Feb 1.30-4 pm
Positive Habits for Wellbeing Mon 27th Jan and 3rd Feb 6.30-9 pm
Coaching for Work and Life Tues 4th and 11th Feb 10-12.30
Self -Acceptance and Self Validation Tues 25th Feb and 4th March 6-8.30 pm
Positive Thinking for Stress Reduction (6 week course) starts Mon 24th Feb 6.30-9 pm
Working with Your Intuition Sat 1st and 8th March 1.30-4 pm
Managing Change Wed 26th Feb and 5th March 6.30-9 pm
Elevate Your Skills Wed 26th Feb and 5th March 10-12.30
Emotional Intelligence at Work  Tues 4th and 11th March
What Other Job Can I Do? Mon 3rd and 10th March 10-12.30
Self Leadership Introduction Tues 11th and 18th March 6-8.30
Upgrade Yourself! Mon 17th and 24th March 10-12.30
Your New vision in Life or Career  Tues 18th and 25th March 1.30-4 pm

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NEW online Live courses available for residents of Norfolk, UK only (due to funding criteria), for anyone aged 19 -100!


For more info and to register, please do so through Adult Learning Norfolk County Council website.

Fees: Norfolk Adult Learning operate a sliding scale



 Life Coaching 1

Exciting introductory live online course to Life Coaching


Starts Friday 20th September 2024 6.00-9.00 pm for 6 weeks


What if you had a toolkit to find solutions for any aspect of life - for yourself, your network and your workplace? Life Coaching enables you to do just that. In this course you will learn and practise the basic concepts involved.


You will gain a powerful set of tools which can be applied in your personal or professional life. This is an experiential course, so you will have a chance to work on your own themes and current challenges, and identify empowering solutions.
You will learn to:

Identify the mindset and principles of Life Coaching

Understand similarities and difference between coaching, mentoring and counselling

Gain a working understanding of the GROW coaching model

Explore the role and impact of values and how it affects our wellbeing and happiness

Explore effective questioning techniques

Identify limiting beliefs and gain tools on how to change them to empowering self-affirming beliefs

Fee sliding scale: £0.00/£126.00

Boost Your Emotional Intelligence

Live online course/virtual classroom

Starts Friday 15th September 2024 9.30-12.00 for 2 weeks

This course will guide you through the main principles of emotional intelligence, giving you tools and techniques to tap into.

You will learn self-awareness strategies, how to self-regulate and self-motivate more effectively, and how to develop and use empathy appropriately in the workplace.

As you learn to be more resilient and relieve stress, you will take your interpersonal skills to the next level, developing higher-level communication skills.

Fee sliding scale:Fee: £0.00/£42.00


Adult Community Learning Courses


September and October 2024


All courses below are free for Essex County Council , UK residents only (due to the funding criteria) A fee for rest of UK residents


Courses are ONLINE, LIVE courses with Alex

For info and to enrol please visit


Introduction to Mental Health 

Mon 23rd & 30th Sept 2024   6.30-9 pm


Stepping up Your Motivation

Tues 24th Sept & 1st Oct 2024  1.30-4 pm


Upgrade Yourself!

Wed 25th Sept & 2nd Oct 2024  1.30-4 pm


Managing Anxiety 

Wed 25th Sept & 2nd Oct 202 6.30-9 pm


Procrastination and Time Management

Mon 7th and 14th Oct 2024 10-12.30


Emotional Intelligence at Work

Wed 9th &16th Oct 2024 1.30-4 pm


Introduction to Building Resilience

Wed 9th &16th Oct 2024 6.30-9 pm


Upgrade Yourself! 

Sat 19th &26th Oct 2024







Norfolk County Council Adult Learning

Free courses for Norfolk Residents

Jan and Feb 2023

For more info and enrolments please visit


Your New Vision in Life or Career

Starts Thurs 5th January for 6 Thursdays 10-12.30


Introduction to Life Coaching

Starts Thursday 5th January for 6 Thursdays 6-8.30 pm  Update: FULLY BOOKED 


Upgrade your Life

Starts Friday 6th January 10-12.30 for six Fridays


Raise Your Vibe!

Starts Friday 6th January 6-8.30 pm for six Fridays  Update: FULLY BOOKED 


Positive Habits and Motivation

Starts Saturday 7th January 10-12.30 for four Saturdays


Exploring Our Spirituality

Thurs 23rd of Feb (6 Thursdays) 6-8.30 pm


Update: For Norfolk County Adult Learning courses please enrol via the NCC Adult Learning website




Introduction to Life Coaching

6 weeks

Starting Thurs 6th Oct at 10-12.30


Your New Vision in Life or Career

6 weeks

Starts Thurs 6th Oct at 6-8.30 pm


Self Acceptance and Self Validation 

starts Thurs 24th Nov for 4 weeks, from 10-12.30


Lots more to come for the autumn term, the courses will be posted here in the next few weeks, if you would like to keep informed, please drop me a line. 


There will also be some face to face courses (free) at Wymondham and Attleborough.

Look forward to meeting some of you soon!





New Autumn Term 2022 Courses FREE online LIVE classes for residents of ESSEX


Forthcoming courses at ACL FREE for Essex County residents. If you are resident outside of Essex in England, you may still enrol - there may be a small fee. Website for info and enrolments:


As I continue to offer my courses to the council for access to all corners of our communities, keeping you up to date with my latest offerings,  if any appeal, I look forward to seeing you online! Please follow the guidelines on website above to enrol yourselves.



Emotional Intelligence at Work

Wed 12th and 19th Oct  1.30-4 pm 


Assertiveness Skills for Work

Monday 31st Oct and 7th Nov 10-12.30


Your New Vision in Life or Career

Mon 26th Sept and 1st Oct 10-12.30

Tues 1st Nov and 8th Nov 6-8.30 pm


Coaching for Work and Life Introduction

Tues 8th Nov and 15th Nov 10-12.30

Sat 3rd Dec and 10th Dec  10-12.30


Stepping Up Your Motivation

Tues 20th Sept and 27th Sept 1.30-4 pm

Mon 7th and 14th Nov 1.30-4 pm


Procrastination and Time Management

Mon 10th Oct and 17th Oct 10-12.30


Working with your Intuition

Wed 28th sept and 5th Oct 1.30-4

Tues 22nd Nov and 29th Nov 6-8.30 pm


What other job can I do?

Sat 24th Sept and 1st Oct 10-12.30

Wed 16th Nov and 23rd Nov 10-12.30


Upgrade Yourself

Wed 14th Sept and 21st Sept 1.30-4 pm

Sat 15th Oct and 22nd Oct 10-12.30

Mon 5th Dec and 12th Dec 10-12.30






New  Srping 2022 Zoom Courses Open to Everyone

Please email me to book and I will send you the Zoom link.

Each workshop is £10 easy payment through PayPal – no account needed)


Open Group Coaching Session

Where are you at? What’s next?

Thurs 21st April 11.30-1.30

A chance to check in with your deeper self and gain clarity as to your current challenges and priorities. A dose of inspiration to access your inner guidance for the next step forward.


Preparing for New Relationship

Friday 22nd April 6 – 8 pm

For single people, if you are in the space where you feel you may like to have a new relationship, then this is the workshop for you. What do you need to let go of? What do you want from a partner? What are your fears? How do you prepare?


Exploring Your Creativity

Wed 27th April 10-12

How are you stopping yourself from your own unique self-expression? What is it that you feel drawn to but perhaps feel blocked about? This workshop will provide you with an opportunity to identify your themes and get you off to a new start with inspiration and motivation for your next project.


Spiritual Development Group

Wed 27th April 6-7.30 pm

Free Taster

This is a free taster workshop for anyone interested in or curious about working with a group on their own spiritual development. Non-denominational, open-minded workshop to help you connect with your deeper self as a spiritual being having a human experience.






Spring 2022 

Forthcoming courses at ACL for Essex County UK residents. All but one of courses below are free of charge. Please contact the college to enrol Upgrade Yourself 17.05.22  for two weeks  6-8.30 pm A group coaching class, to help you get unstuck and move forward  in whatever area of your life you are working on!   Health and Wellbeing 4.5.22 for 6 weeks (Wednesday mornings) This is a co-tutored course, aimed to keep us on track with our own health and wellbeing goals, to exchange in an honest and safe way with like-minded people and get that boost most of us could do with to stay true to our own self-care.   Managing Anxiety 23.5.22  for two weeks 10-12.30 A great short course to check in with tools and techniques on how to work with your mindset and triggers to manage patterns of anxiety.   Goal Setting for Wellbeing Set new goals for the Spring and Summer with like-minded people using powerful goal-setting techniques 19.4.22 for two weeks 6-8.30 pm   Stepping up Your Motivation 19.05.22  for two weeks 10-12.30 Continues to be a popular course, helping with a boost in motivation in our new projects and personal initiatives   What Other Job Can I Do? 28.04.22 for two weeks 10-12.30 Great course if you are thinking of changing job or direction   Working with Your Intuition 5.5.22 for two weeks  1.30-4.00 The world is changing, the frequencies are changing, now more than ever is a great time to use your intuitive abilities to move forward with greater ease and wholeness.   Introduction Coaching for Work and Life 3.5.22 for two weeks 6-8.30 pm Great tools to help you coach yourself and others at work or home   Your New Vision in Life or Career 7.5.22 for two weeks  10-12.30 Re-evaluating and building our new vision   Step Towards Confidence 9.5.22 for two weeks 10-12.30 A powerful two week course to help with a confidence boost in areas of your life you feel low in…   Managing Change in Life and Work 19.4.22  two weeks 10 - 12.30 Also on 23.5.22  for two weeks  6-8.30 pm How are you adapting to changes both internal and external in your life? An arena to meet like minded people working on themselves in adapting to changes that surround us.   Reducing Anxiety and Staying Healthy 3.5.22 for 6 Tuesday mornings , 10-12.30 A co-tutored course to keep you focused on your own wellbeing, checking in weekly with a like-minded group   Navigating Uncertainty 9.5.22   for two weeks 6-8.30 A focused course with tips and strategies taken from a range of sources including positive psychology, philosophy an spirituality, with practical tools to take away. *This is a paying course, see ACL website for details



New Vision Group feedback

"Another great session, thanks Alex. It just makes me think how privileged I am to get to know some great people and I would struggle without this much needed boost."
"I have found this very helpful since it provides a safe, positive and supportive environment in which everyone is able to share their hopes and fears for their own lives without any external pressure to achieve specific outcomes. "
"The accountability  to the group helps me focus on having something positive to share and support on the things I feel I haven't been doing too well on." 

"We meet once a fortnight online. Small group, we're all very different yet like-minded. It's real and it's inspiring, each time I leave the group feeling motivated, supported and more positive, thank you."
"I feel so positive at the end of each session, It helps me in my own self-belief and helps to keep me on track."

New Vision Group  (Zoom) Open to all
Monday 24th January 6 -8.30 (Free Taster Group Session with no obligation to continue, Dip in and see how it feels)

A new one starts every 7 weeks. The first is free of charge then you can decide if you want to continue with the 6 sessions.

We look at different themes, depending on what each person brings. The first half we check in and feed back to each other, after break we focus on a topic area, usually a short presentation and discussion on topics including self acceptance, motivation, building your vision, following your bliss while dealing with responsibilities. 

If you decide to continue, then the new group will start on Monday the 31st January and every fortnight after that for six weeks. If you miss a session just drop me an email and we can have communication to keep updated. Sometimes we shift the days depending on the group's needs and commitments.
First session free for all with no obligation.
Thereafter if you continue it's £15 for each two and a half hour session x 6, paid in  advance or in instalments 

Concessions available depending on what you can afford, please drop me a line if needed.

To book, email me  or call /text on
07436 113033 

Your New Vision in Life or Career  (Free online course)

Saturday 15th January and 22nd January 2022

10-12.30 for both Saturdays


Is it time to set new goals and connect to bigger sense of purpose? I will take you through a process to help identify and clarify your current priorities and begin to build a vision of life that reflects who you are now for greater fulfilment and enjoyment of life. Many course participants have had big breakthroughs through seeds sown on this course and even more have changed direction in their careers. 

To book please visit



Courses below marked with ACL are free for Essex County residents, otherwise a small fee may be involved, the adult community college will let you know.


Working with your Intuition ( Free online)

Wed 26th January and Wed 2nd Feb 2022  6-8.30 pm


That hunch you have, the gut instinct can be a more direct and effortless way at finding solutions and new inspiration rather than the linear analytical thinking. It is a tool that used in combination with reason, can bring us amazing results. learn how to tap into your intution and access your own inner guidance to move forward with greater ease.

Look forward to seeing you there!

To book please visit



Stepping Up Your Motivation  (Free online course)

Thurs 27th Jan and 3rd Feb 2022

6 - 8.30 pm

If you need a motivation boost, then this is the workshop for you, with other like-minded people to identify your own barriers and find solutions that will work for you. Create new energy to move forward towards your new year 2022, in whatever way you need or want to.

To book please visit



Other courses, free for Essex County Council Residents, small cost for others, please contact for enquiries and information on the courses below.


What Other Job Could I Do?

Tues 18th and 25th Jan 2022   6-8.30 pm

Identify your transferable skills and begin to explore your passions, we will be going through a process of seeing how we can marry the two and how to build a bridge towards a job, career, direction that you would like to embark on. Will help you get greater clarity and hopefully we’ll have great input from the group as we usually have.


Upgrade Yourself

Thurs 20th and 27th January 2022   10-12.30

Which areas of your life would you like to upgrade? Identify your current priorities. I will take you through a process of group coaching in which you work to gain clarity, strategy and actions towards your next steps in any area you choose. Will be fun, challenging and interesting!


Procrastination and Time Management

Wed 23rd Feb and March 2nd 2022   1.30-4.00

Does what it says on the tin, join me to explore some of the barriers you experience in getting on with things you want to do… and identify solutions and strategies that you could use for getting unstuck. Lifelong tools that you can use in different situations as they arise and to see what works for you.


Navigating Uncertainty

Saturday 26th Feb and Sat 5th March 2022  10-12.30

Uncertainty is one thing we are learning through the Pandemic experience. How are you navigating it? Which parts are you embracing and which are you resisting? Learn how to keep your own centre and core through the changes around us and how to use the energy of transition to begin to transform aspects of your own life.


Self-Acceptance and Self-Validation

Thurs 3rd and 10th February 2022 10-12.30

At the core of your being, to what extent do you really embrace and are at peace with all aspects of yourself, without judgement and criticism? It’s an ongoing journey to allow ourselves to sit with and bring compassion to the less ‘acceptable’ parts of ourselves and begin to accept and integrate those aspects. Find out how on this course for achieving greater lightness and inner freedom.



 2021 courses:


All Adult Community Learning courses below are free unless otherwise stated. To book for these please visit

.SEPTEMBER & OCTOBER  2021 Many more, these are the ones I will be teaching in the next few weeks:

Introduction to Mental Health   Monday Sept 20th 10-12.30 (2 Mondays)

New Mental Wellbeing During Change Tues Sept 21st 10-12.30 (2 Tuesdays)

Stress Awareness  Wed 22nd Sept 10-12.30  (2 Wednesdays)

Managing Sleep for Wellbeing Wed 6th October 10-12.30 (2 Wednesdays)

Introduction to Building Resilience Tues 12th Oct  10-12.30 (2 weeks)



Working with Your Intuition   Tues 21st Sept 1.30-4.00  (2 Tuesdays)

A very popular course to enable you to trust yourself more, with some powerful strategies and great examples of how our intuition works, and how to encourage it as the powerful life compass it is, for small as well as bigger things in life.

Stepping Up Your Motivation Thurs 23rd Sept  10-12.30 (2 Thursdays) If you need a motivation boost, then this is the workshop for you, with other like-minded people to create new energy to move forward in whatever way you need or want to.

What Other Job Can I Do?  Thurs 23rd Sept 1.30- 4.00 pm (2 Thursdays) Exploring strategies and techniques to identify and package your transferable skills towards something that you want.

Your New Vision in Life or Career (Is it time to set those new goals and bigger sense of purpose? I will take you through a process on this course to discover your passions and to learn to channel them for greater fulfilment – life is just too short) Saturday 25th Sept 1.30- 4.00 (2 Saturdays)

Upgrade Yourself  (Taking a fresh look at your life and areas you want to work on with guidance taken from Life Coaching) Monday 4th Oct 1.30 – 4 pm (2 Mondays)

New Procrastination and Time Management  Strategies and tools to deal with procrastination and review the way you are using your quota of daily time. Lots of tools and strategies to help you move on with projects and intentions that you have been putting off. Wed 6th October 1.30 -4.00 (2 Tuesdays Fee: £31.50/£15.75 

Self- Acceptance and Self Validation Wed 13th Oct 6  - 8.30 pm for 2 weeks (please put dashes in the search box otherwise for some reason it doesn’t come up!)

The title speaks for itself, yet if we develop a relationship with ourselves of acceptance and self love, life becomes not only easier but we give ourselves permission to thrive in a much more organic way, suited to who we truly are.

Healing our Minds and Emotions Sat 16th Oct 10 -12.30  (2 weeks) Fee: £31.50/£15.75 

The healing journey is ongoing and in this workshop we will be looking at some powerful techniques and tools on our own journey of processing and letting go of ideas, situations and patters that no longer serve us… to make room for the new emerging you.





NEW    Developing Your New Vision Ongoing Zoom Coaching Group June 2021

New group starting in September 2021 updates coming shortly

This is a group of like-minded individuals that come together on a monthly basis to share, exchange, support and inspire each other facilitated by myself with additional tools and learning along the way. Open to all.

Wed 9th June 1.30 - 4.00
Wed 7th July 1.30-4.00
Wed 4th August 1.30-4.00
  • A  checking in round with group feedback.
  • After break, a bit of input to stimulate discussion and learning based on a theme identified from the group: e.g. motivation, dealing with self-doubt, focus, taking risks.
  • At the end each person commits to some actions they are taking forward and report back to the group the following month!

Fee: £10 per session, paid 3 months in advance then optional renewal every three months.


Please contact me on telephone above to book your place. A warm welcome awaits you.


Comments from people working with Alex

hugely valuable and helped me get unstuck!"

"Life changing, helpful, inspirational , empowering"

"Great session, lots to think about, great to hear other people's journeys and share"

"Love the fact that we're all rooting each other, we are our own open tribe!"




Along with my own coaching and training practice, I have the pleasure of working as a sessional tutor at this sound and ethical  organisation. In the below section are some of the courses I am currently teaching and they are all FREE!!

Classes available at Adult Community Learning 

September 2021


  (ACL criteria is that you need to live or work in Essex to access the free courses. Free unless otherwise stated) For details and enrolments please visit

 These courses run for two mornings or afternoons each, please see selection of dates when these courses are running in 2021.

All below courses are free if you live in Essex UK , there may be a payment required from elsewhere in the UK.


Stepping Up Your Motivation

Looking at our own barriers and gaining techniques and perspectives that will help to get you motivated and enthused about your next steps. Time management and beating procrastination included!
Thurs 23rd and 30th Sept 2021   10-12.30

Sat 6th and 13th November 2021    10-12.30



Your New Vision of Life or Career

For anyone thinking about a change of direction in any area of life, a great space to start exploring and develop greater clarity as to where you want to go next with your life. A deep and powerful course where you connect to your essence and corresponding ways forward
Saturday 25th Sept and 2nd Oct 2021  10-12.30

Thurs 4th and 11th November 2021     10-12.30



Taster Coaching for Work and Life


Inspiring and packed full of strategies and new perspectives, this  introductory course where you can clarify and work on your own goals guided by coaching techniques, which you can use to apply to any challengeed

8th and 15th December 2021   1.30-4.00

Thurs 24th and 31st March 2022    10-12.30


Working with your Intuition

A powerful and popular course to learn to work more closely with this wealth of information and guidance our intuition provides for us. More than at any time tuning into our own truth and learning to listen to our deeper selves, provides an anchor and guidance we can rely on.
Tuesday 21st and 28th Sept 2021  1.30-4.00

Monday 22nd and 29th November 2021  6-8.30

Wed 26th January and Wed 2nd Feb 2022  6-8.30



What Other Job Can I Do?

Designed this course as a response to observing so many people changing their job or direction, or re-entering the job market after a break. I will take you through a tried and tested process of identifying transferable skills and gaining inspiration as to possible options available for you
Thurs 23rd and 30th Sept 2021   1.30-4.00

Wed 17th and 24th Nov 2021     1.30-4.00

Tues 18th and 25th Jan 2022   6-8.30


Upgrade Yourself

 Which areas of your life are you stuck on and don't seem to be making progress in? The Pandemic has caused everyone to do and to certain extent, think differently. So what is your new vision of yourself, what do you want to work on? Have fun exploring powerful strategies with like minded people working on your chosen aspect of life to move yourself forward. 

Mon 4th and 11th Oct 1.30-4.00

Thurs 2nd and 9th Dec 2021   6-8.30


"It's helped organise and crystallise my thoughts and actions.

It has focused my thoughts - prioritisation and helped understand values."




Tuesday 27th April 2.00- 4.00 pm

UK April 2021: Coming Out of Lockdown - What does this mean for you? A Zoom Workshop

A facilitated workshop and discussion bringing like-minded people together to explore and enrich each other in this transitional time.
Key questions to help you focus
Gain insights and confirmation for your own path and where you are at now
Identify steps, even if baby steps, forward to reclaim yourself and your life
Tips and strategies for a successful transition

Fee £10  To book please drop me an email  and will email you details..

 Free transition coaching workshops for anyone who feels trapped working for an unethical company. This offering is based on the belief that each one of us has a responsibility to make this world a better place, or at least not to contribute to causing further damage to our planet and its people!


Please contact me for the dates of the next workshop. Absolutely free and no strings or marketing, just your space to explore your options in a professional and safe space with expert facilitation and guidance. A space to identify positive alternative solutions and gain inspiration for your next move!


Please email me or text me and will let you know of next workshop date. Tel 074361 13033





Free courses at ACL Adult Community Learning 

February and March 2021

Forthcoming free courses at ACL

Please go to  and enter the course title of your choice  in the search box

Self Care for Resilience  Monday 22nd Feb 10 -12.30 for 6 weeks

Building Self Confidence Further  Wed 24th Feb  and Wed 3rd March 10 -12.30

Stepping Up Your Motivation Wed 24th Feb  and Wed 3rd March 1.30 -4.00

Your New Vision in Life or Career Monday 8th & 15th March 6 -8.30 pm (evening)

Application rejections and Resilience Wed 10th  & 17th March  1.30 – 4.00

Upgrade Yourself! Tues 16th and Tues 21st March  10 – 12.30


Plus two more courses just being added, so give it a few days until they’re on the ACL system:

Healing our Minds and Emotions     Monday 22nd February  and Monday 1st March   6 – 8.30 pm   o


And again. Healing our Minds and Emotions  Wed 24th and Wed 31st March 1.30-4.00 pm

Working with Your Intuition   Thurs 18th and Thurs 25th March  1.30 -4.00 pm


Hope to see you there! Small friendly groups and fully funded by CCGs and Essex County with many thanks. 


Photo Joshua Earle



Changing Direction in Your Life or Career

A LIVE Zoom course online from the comfort of your home

On Saturday February 21st  2021  from 10 – 12 noon and Saturday February  28th 10-12.00 noon


You know you are capable of more, but you talk yourself out of it

You haven’t got the confidence to move forward and make the changes you want

Or maybe you want something different but don’t know exactly what

If any of these apply to you, then this course is for you!

Tips and strategies for developing your new vision and beginning to map out your next steps in your career or life direction. Strategies on dealing with setbacks and obstacles and how these can be turned into stepping stones to move your forward.

  • Take stock of where you are at now
  • Explore your interests, strengths and passions
  • Gain greater clarity of what you want in your next chapter of life
  • Identify the elements of work or life that will fulfil you
  • Start creating a vision that reflects WHO YOU ARE NOW
  • Deal with sabotaging thoughts and fear
  • Developing a mental blueprint of your plan
  • Fully connect to your emerging vision and take action to create the life you want
  • Strategies to get you started in your new direction


Fee:October discount:  £45,00 inclusive of both Saturdays. To book please call 074365 13303 or email Alex. Following payment, I will send you the link and see you on the day!




Introduction to Life Coaching Skills

A LIVE Zoom course

Starting Friday 12th February 2021

Fridays 6 pm – 8.30 pm for 6 weeks. 

An opportunity to learn and apply skills to coach yourself on any aspect of life you are stuck on.  You will gain an abundant set of skills to apply to your own process and goals, as well as in your work and dynamics with others. Learn about how you hold yourself back and self-sabotage, and how to move forward using tried and tested coaching techniques to gain clarity and identify your own solutions.

An overview of the life coaching model and ways it can be applied in both personal and professional development in the workplace.

You will gain a range of practical  tools and techniques based on coaching methodology for facilitating effective communication and to improve personal and professional performance.

What you will gain:

  • An understanding of the basic principles of coaching
  • An awareness of what coaching is and what it is not
  • Knowledge of the approach and mindset of a coach
  • Ability to use simple coaching processes on yourself or with others
  • Learning effective listening and rapport building techniques
  • An awareness of coaching questioning techniques
  • Practical application of range of practical coaching tools
"Very interesting, a concise and clear introduction, thank you"
"Enlightening"   "Inspiring and insightful"
"Well presented, plenty of options for group discussion, great!"
"Thank you, Very insightful, learnt many new principles to put into action."
"A really useful introduction to principles of coaching"
"Enjoying learning new perspectives, looking forward to more"
"Enjoyed the mix of information from the trainer and participation exercises. Very valuable course."


Fee: £150 , half price if on furlough  or on benefits.

Complimentary resources to enhance your learning

To book please email me on or call on 07436 113033




As I continue to contribute online workshops to the Adult Community Learning, please see below ACL courses I am teaching, link takes you directly to the college website for more info and enrolments.

Note, these are not video courses, they are in a live virtual classroom and work really well. A college IT team is there for any technical issues you may have.


Please note last enrollment date for the two courses courses below is Monday 19th October because of this college's system, yes well , that's institutions for you!! So, hopefully you can get on the course before they remove the course from their system!!

The links here take you to the college website. Once you enrol, the college and I will send you joining instructions for the course.


Boundaries and Assertiveness

Saturday 07 November 2020 

10 am to 12.30 am for two weeks

How do you manage your energy in interactions and in relating with others?

Are there areas where you give too much of your power away and allow others to intrude into your emotional, mental or physical space? Learn techniques to communicate clearly, powerfully and sensitively to others. Learn to disallow toxicity in your life while being there for others on your own terms. Gain skills to negotiate relationships more effectively whether at work, family or friends.

Fee: £30.50/£15.25 

Information and booking


Accessing Your Intuition

Wednesday 11 November 2020,  6 pm to 8 pm for two weeks

The title speaks for itself. Imagine that you are going through life using only one hand, while the other lies dormant. How amazing would it be that you then discovered you had another hand all along that wasn’t being used! Intuition and inner awareness is an underused tool that is not taught or encouraged at school , work or business; yet learning to work with it can make life richer and more effortless and bring speedier results in the things you are working to accomplish.

Fee: £24.40/£12.20 

Click here for info and bookings




ACL Mental Wellbeing courses FREE TO ANYONE over 19 In Essex and surrounding areas

Positive Thinking for Stress Reduction

Start date: Monday 2/11/20       1.30 – 4.00pm   For 6 weeks  OR

Start date: Tuesday 3/11/20       10 – 12.30  For 6 weeks


Self- Care for Resilience

Start date: Tuesday 3/11/20      2 – 4.30 pm for 6 weeks

For the above Mental Wellbeing courses, info and bookings





Free LIVE Zoom Personal Development Talks 

with Q & A and discussion


Navigating Uncertainty
Saturday 13th June 11-12 am
What are we being challenged to do now when the world is seemingly falling apart around us and everything has become so strange?
What are you noticing about your own world and your thoughts about the future?

Finding the Opportunities within the crisis 
Friday 26th  June 4.00 - 5.00 pm
What are the deeper messages in this crisis?
What have been some of the positives you have experienced or discovered in this period?
What is this time teaching us?
How could this be an important time in our personal and global evolution?

Connecting to Your Personal Power - What does this mean for you?
Saturday 11th July 11.00 - 12.00 am
The thing that is within our control is how we respond to challenges and situations, especially in our current times.
How can we turn around any sense of being a victim in this, regain a sense of control over our lives, and reconnect with our personal power?
How can we develop a more trusting relationship with ourselves?
What helps to empower ourselves and our communities?

To attend any of the above please email me with the title and I will send the Zoom link. Virtually bring a friend email required}, See you there!

PS For anyone out there who hasn't used  Zoom before it is easy, just click on the link I send and follow the instructions, do have a go, you'll feel good when you've cracked it!


To book please Email: 

          Or send Alex Klokkaris a text on 07436 113033



Online LIVE Workshops with Alex:

A series of workshops to work together in a group and gain tips and strategies on each subject. Groups are kept to a maximum of 8 people so that each person has an opportunity to share and feedback.

We will work through the themes of the workshop with discussion and strategies so that you can work on your own topic areas. Please ensure you have a notebook with you! Please arrive [in your sitting room or home office etc.} with a notebook and pen!
Cost per workshop:  £5 - £15 depending on your ability to pay
To book please email me and will send you a link for payment.
Tea and coffee provided.... by your own kitchen!

Managing the emotional Dark Cloud

Saturday 20th June 11 - 12.30 am
In our current climate it is natural to feel at times a 'black cloud' descending upon us, everyone experiences this in different ways.
In this workshop you will learn techniques and tips on how to manage these more difficult feelings taken from positive psychology, mindfulness and coaching.
- Identifying and acknowledging emotions
- Techniques for managing difficult feelings and moods
- Everyday practical mindfulness tools

Working from home - Feeling happier and more in control!
Saturday 4th July 11.00 - 12.30

Looking at challenges and solutions for working from home and strategies on making it a more positive and fulfilling experience
The workshop will cover
- Boundaries with time and people
- Managing motivation... or lack of it!
- Dealing with work isolation
- Time and energy management

Saturday 18th July 12 - 1.30 pm
Re-evaluating Your Direction

Whether work or life, the current events have disorientated many. The rug has been pulled from under our feet and suddenly many of us are on shaky ground. If circumstances are pushing towards a change in direction whether in work or life, here you will gain strategies and inspiration to map out you next steps forward.

  • Where you are now
  • Connecting to your core values
  • Strategies to identify options
  • Techniques for realistic goal setting

To book any of above please email me



ACL is the Adult Community Learning, for Lifelong Learning run by Essex County Council. 

Here are some of the courses I am teaching for this wonderful community organisation, all Taster courses below are free of charge. Booking detials provided on the link for each course. 


 ACL Free Taster courses


Be Your Own Life Coach!

Start Date: Saturday 27 June 2020 

Start Time and Lesson Duration: 11:00 for 01:30 hours

Duration: 1 lessons over 1 week(s)

Location: Distance Learning  

Fee: Free



This course is a single session delivered online. It is interactive and the tutor will guide you through the session.
What would it be like to have the skills and tools to coach yourself? Join an expert Life Coach with this interactive LIVE session for tips on how to gain clarity and strategies for moving forward in uncertain times.
To undertake this course you will need a laptop, PC or tablet, with audio and webcam facility, internet connection and Google Chrome browser, an email address and be able to access websites.

Details and booking


Motivation During Uncertainty

Course Code: AOL4B75Y19 

Start Date: Thursday 18 June 2020 

Start Time and Lesson Duration: 14:00 for 01:30 hours

Duration: 1 lessons over 1 week(s)

Location: Distance Learning  

Fee: Free    


This course is a single session delivered online. It is interactive and the tutor will guide you through the session.
During these strange and uncertain times, do you find yourself battling with yourself because you haven’t taken action towards your goals and procrastinating on tasks you want to get done? This LIVE online Taster workshop will give you tips to help you break the barrier of resistance and accomplish more of what you want in your daily life.
To undertake this course you will need a laptop, PC or tablet, with audio and webcam facility, internet connection and Google Chrome browser, an email address and be able to access websites.
Details and booking


Finding Your Balance

Course Summary

Course Code: DOL5B02Y19 

Start Date: Friday 03 July 2020 

Start Time and Lesson Duration: 14:00 for 01:30 hours

Duration: 1 lessons over 1 week(s)

Location: Distance Learning  

Fee: Free



This course is a single session delivered online. It is interactive and the tutor will guide you through the session.
In these times of huge uncertainty, learn ways to nurture yourself and cultivate your inner core of greater peace and balance. This course is designed to empower you with some tips and discussion on navigating the next few weeks and months with greater confidence and with balance.

Details and booking



Preparing for Career Change

Course Summary

Course Code: COL1B71Y19 

Start Date: Monday 06 July 2020 

Start Time and Lesson Duration: 14:00 for 01:30 hours

Duration: 1 lessons over 1 week(s)

Location: Distance Learning  




This course is a single session delivered online. It is interactive and the tutor will guide you through the session.
Now more than ever in these turbulent times many are being challenged with regards to employment. This LIVE Taster session will provide powerful tips and a perspective on the opportunities that these times present to re-evaluate and reassess your values and direction.

Details and bookings


Free Introductory Online Workshop


photo Karim Manjra


Wednesday 29th April 2020  at 11 - 11.45 am

Resilience Through Uncertain Times -Strengthening the Heart and Mind

Are you finding each day a challenge in those turbulent times?

Are you feeling fearful about the future? Do you have moments of panic and anxiety?

Let’s come together to share, tips and strategies to surf the waves of these highly uncertain times


 Practical, Psychological and Spiritual nuggets to help you navigate your days…

With Life Coach Alex Klokkaris

To book please drop me a line on or drop me a text on 07436 113033 and I will send you a link to the workshop. All you do is just click on the link and you're in!

 So, on the day, put the kettle on, get your journal out and tune in! 


Look forward to seeing you!



At this point in time, the world changes. who would have thought the world would so drastically experience so much turmoil and change in such a short time.

Yet within this time, when the rug gets pulled from under our feet, the journey continues and new opportunities for transformation and growth present themeselves.  I would love to work with you on this journey, this time online. New thinking, new mindframe and new opportunities for a better world, both personally and globally.  We can all learn and grow through this. Stay safe everyone, look forward to hearing from you.

Alex   March 2020



Life Coaching Skills Introduction

Venue: ACL Colchester, Barrack Street, Essex

Starts Wed 15th January 2020   10 am - 1.00 pm  for 6 weeks


An overview of the life coaching model and ways it can be applied in both personal and professional development in the workplace.

You will gain a range of practical  tools and techniques based on coaching methodology for facilitating effective communication and to improve personal and professional performance.

What you will gain:

  • An understanding of the basic principles of coaching
  • An awareness of what coaching is and what it is not
  • Knowledge of the approach and mindset of a coach
  • Ability to use simple coaching processes on yourself or with others
  • Learning effective listening and rapport building techniques
  • An awareness of coaching questioning techniques
  • Practical application of range of practical coaching tools
"Very interesting, a concise and clear introduction, thank you"
"Enlightening"   "Inspiring"
"Well presented, plenty of options for group discussion, great!"
"Thank you, Very insightful, learnt many new principles to put into action."
"A really useful introduction to principles of coaching"
"Enjoying learning new perspectives, looking forward to more"
"Enjoyed the mix of information from the trainer and participation exercises. Very valuable course."
To register please visit

Fee: £91.50 /£45.75

Venue: ACL Colchester, CO1 2LR

Free parking available


New course

Simplify Your Life

How to stay sane and connected in a demanding world!
Saturday 18th January 2020 10.30 -1.00 

When left to our own default mode we mostly operate on auto pilot. Life passes us by and the background discontent and anxiety can slowly wear you out. This workshop will give you tools and reminders on identifying energy drains and managing overwhelm for greater fulfillment and inner peace.
Less energy drain and overwhelm
How to align your daily life with your core values
Connecting and listening to your needs
Self care and other priorities
Manage toxic relationships and other drains
Decluttering your schedule

Venue: Tree Room Centre, Trinity Street, Colchester
To book, please email or call/text on 07436 113033

 Investment in yourself: £20 
Last day for bookings: 15.01.20

2019 Courses



Self-acceptance and self-validation


Friday 6th December 2019   10 am -3.30 pm [one day course]

Venue: ACL Chelmford


At the core of everything is how we feel about ourselves, deep down. Learn ways to stop fighting or hiding from yourself and start to embrace all aspects of your feelings and actions without judgement.

Fee: £30.50 /£15.25 

More details and bookings:Click here for further info



New Connecting with self and re-focusing on priorities

Thursday 19th September 2019   6 pm – 8.30 pm

Venue: Tree Room Centre, 12 Trinity Street, CO1 1JR


A short powerful workshop to get you refocused after a long hot summer!

We will be going through a process of a bit of soul searching and reflecting on  7 key questions in a small group of like-minded people.

A chance to re-evaluate themes you are woking on

Get an overview of direction

Set new intentions

Gain a toolkit for inner and outer resources to keep you going

Get motivated and ready to go!

Come out feeling more connected, focused and more inspired for the autumn ahead.

To book: Please email me on, text or call me on 074361 13033


Personal Growth – Meet Your Potential

Saturday 21st Sept , 10 am – 2.30 pm for 6 weeks

Venue: ACL Colchester


Discover tools and strategies for personal development to become more of who you are and tap into your bigger potential, whether in your personal or professional life. The course promises to be informative, fun and engaging and to inspire you to your next level of personal growth and fulfilment.


‘Have had quite a few breakthroughs on this course, really grateful for the space to explore with like- minded people” John


“My family are now getting used to the fact that I too have my own life and interests independent of them, hasn’t been an easy journey, but I have been practising assertiveness and compassion, for myself and those around me, my life is expanding – about to start an art and design course, and I feel so much more confident’ Sarah


“There is nothing like this locally, a group of like-minded people, exploring life, thanks for providing this space Alex, it has really played a pivotal part in my own life in the past few weeks.” Peter

Fee: £146.40 /£73.20 

Details and bookings  click here



New Taster courses on personal development
at Wilson Marriage College for May 2019
Try something new, expand personal horizons and meet like-minded people., These taster courses now available and open for enrollment. Book now as places are limited. The college is charging just  £5 for each two and a half hour workshop, this is an opportunity to learn more about the subject and get a dose of inspiration!

Personal Development – Be the Best YOU
 An opportunity to review  your life’s journey, take stock, reflect, gain insights  and identify new ways forward for yourself   
Tuesday May 28th 10 -12.30 or same day at 6.30 to 9.00 pm
‘The Secret’ – Manifesting New Realities
Do we really create our own reality? If so how, and what are the implications? Learn some simple tools and strategies to start creating the life you want, based on the Universal Law of Attraction.   
Tuesday May 28th at 1.30 – 4.00 pm or
Thursday 30th May 10 – 12.30
Introduction to Life Coaching
Navigate life more successfully with tools taken from Life Coaching. A taster of some of the main principles involved in life coaching and how these could be applied in everyday life.   
Wednesday May 29th 10 -12.30 or
Thursday May 30th 6.30 – 9.00 pm or
Friday May 31st 1.30 – 4.00 pm
Developing Resilience and Inner Freedom
Our ability to bounce back after life’s setbacks, small and big, depends on our levels of resilience. Learn the latest strategies on how to build up your own personal levels of resilience.   
Wednesday May 29th 1.30 – 4.00 pm
  Personal Growth – Meet Your Potential
Discover tools and strategies for personal development to become more of who you are and tap into your bigger potential, whether in your personal or professional life. 
Friday 31st May 10 – 12.30 and  on Tues 29th 6.30 - 9 pm 
  Thriving in Transition
A short taster course on managing both personal and professional change more effectively. Tools and strategies to get you started on the path of least resistance!  
Thursday May 30th 1.30 – 4.00 pm


Venue: Adult Community Learning, Barrack Street, Colchester CO1 2LR

To enroll please call the college on 0345 603 7635 or look up each course directly at



'Developing Self Acceptance and Self Validation'

A workshop on Friday 17th May 2019 at 1 pm

at First Site, Colchester, Essex 


As part of Mental Health Awareness Week, organised by Health in Mind, mid and North Essex Mind and Heads Up


Self- acceptance is a big part of the healing journey and is at the foundation of healthy self esteem and positive regard for ourselves. It is something we can learn to develop. 

Learn tools and techniques to begin to make peace with yourself, starting from where you are now.

Gain insights into barriers you unconsciously put up and learn how to begin to release them, for the next chapter of your own growth and development.

Learn 9 powerful strategies for learning to develop greater self-acceptance and self-esteem

Everybody welcome!

Admission free, a number of workshops and stalls all day, come along to explore, gain tools, inspiration and a complimentary goody bag!


Changing Direction in Your Life or Career


May 2019 Dates to be confirmed 

Venue: Tree Room Centre, Trinity Street, Colchester


You know you are capable of more, but you talk yourself out of it

You haven’t quite had the confidence to move forward and make the changes you want

Or maybe you feel dissatisfied and want something different but don’t know exactly what

If any of these apply to you, then this course is for you.

Begin to map out your vision with some simple steps to prepare for change with a small, like-minded group of people and expert guidance of a Life Coach specialising in Career and Direction coaching.

-              Take stock of where you are at now

-              Explore your passions, natural gifts and dreams

-              Identify the elements of what’s important to you now

-              Learn how to gain clarity and gain belief in your own vision

-              Techniques to deal with sabotaging thoughts and fears

--             Fully connect to your emerging goals and map out your next steps

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” Anais Nin

"The workshop enabled me to get a clearer vision about my next life chapter, feeling very optimistic and have my next steps planned." Marianne

"I had a couple of 'aha moments' in the training and will be reflecting on them. Thank you , really thought-provoking and inspirational'.


ACL Lecture Series:

Demystifying ‘The Secret’ – Abundance and the Law of Attraction

Tuesday 26th February 2019 7 -8.30 pm

An inspiring and informative evening out, come along alone or with a friend!

Do we really create our own reality? If so how, and what are the implications?

The cutting edge theory of The Universal Law of Attraction, as highlighted in the best-selling book ‘The Secret’, has caused a stir in the personal development field and sceptics alike in recent years. Does it work, and how do CBT, quantum physics and positive psychology relate to these theories?

What if, the reality we each experience was a reflection of the sum total result of everything we think, say and do?


Is it really possible to attract the ideal home, partner, money or the job of our dreams? Do we manifest what we focus on, or are more complex factors involved? What conditions are required for the principles of this concept to work? How do we stop ourselves from having, being or doing what we truly want? What if we could have the essence of what we want right now?


An evening designed to inspire and empower you, to take greater control of your thinking, attitude and actions, so that you can ultimately influence your destiny in the direction of your dreams.


In this thought-provoking lecture, Alex will present and illustrate some of the basic concepts involved in the Law of Attraction.

Learn about the principles and universal laws involved, and how these are backed up by the latest research in quantum physics.

Gain a greater understanding of how we attract events and circumstances in our life and how we block ourselves from moving forward.


Take a glimpse at personal insights into your own patterns and learn how to create and activate powerful blueprints for your new creations!


Your take away: A set of practical tools and strategies ready for immediate application, to start creating the life results you want! 


Venue: ACL Wilson Marriage Centre, Barrack Street, Colchester, Essex, CO1 2LR

Ticket price: £12.75

Complimentary coffee and pastries, Free parking


To book: Call the college 0345 603 7635   or book online book here



 Personal Development - Be the Best You!

Starts Wed 6th March 2019, 6 - 8.30 pm

at ACL Colchester  for 5 weeks


Direction and Meaningful Goals   Explore, discover and begin to set your agenda for meaningful goals for yourself.
Resilience and Managing Negative Thinking   Exploring tools and techniques for managing negative thinking, worry and anxiety more effectively and bringing more lightness into your life.
 Money and You. What ideas about money have you picked up over the years, where did they come from and in what ways are you replaying these in your life?
Befriending our Shadow Whether we admit it or not, we all have it! The shadow is the part of us that is largely disowned. Learn how to recognize these aspects of ourselves and how we can make shadow our friend.
Relationships, communication and honouring yourself Exploring strategies on navigating the minefield of relationships, whether intimate or family, for a greater sense of peace
 Intuition and Inner Wisdom  Techniques for getting in touch with your own internal compass and accessing your intuition.

Fee: £73.75/£36.88

Venue:ACL Colchester, Barrack Street, CO1 2LR

Free parking

To book please visit




 Life Coaching Introduction

Coming up September 2019

A course for your own personal development, as well as to gain directly transferable skills for use in a professional context.

An overview of the life coaching model and ways it can be applied in both personal and professional development in the workplace.

You will gain tools and techniques based on coaching methodology for facilitating effective communication and improving personal and professional performance.



  • An awareness of the characteristics of the coaching perspective
  • Coaching versus Therapy and Counselling
  • A working understanding of the GROW model in coaching
  • Communication and questioning techniques
  • The role and impact of values
  • Identifying and challenging limiting belieffs
  • Higher level listening skills and feedback techniques
  • Practical tools and strategies for effective coaching
  • Motivation and keeping on track
  • Self-awareness and personal development
  • Evaluation and next steps

The sessions are interactive and equip participants with a range of tools for immediate application in their own lives and with others in their personal or professional life.


Fee: £73.75/£36.88 concession if benefits

Very interesting, a concise and clear introduction, thank you"

"Enlightening"   "Inspiring"
"Well presented, plenty of options for group discussion, great!"
"Thank you, Very insightful, learnt many new principles to put into action."
"A really useful introduction to principles of coaching"
"Enjoying learning new perspectives, looking forward to more"
"Enjoyed the mix of information from the trainer and participation exercises. Very valuable course."

“Successful Goal Setting”

A breath of fresh air for the New Year!

A new and exciting one-day course Saturday 19th January 2019  9.30 – 3.30

"Goals allow you to control the direction of change in your favour." 

Brian Tracy 

This course will equip you with the skills and tools to set effective and achievable goals, using a range of powerful techniques taken from life coaching and the latest strategies and insights from the professional and personal development sector.

  • The power of effective goal setting
  • Understanding and using SMARTER goals
  • Setting achievable long and short term goals
  • ‘Reading’ feedback and making adjustments
  • The role of intuition in the pathway to achieving goals
  • Associating with your goal – the role of visualisation
  • Staying on course and keeping focused – motivation techniques
  • Using manifestation tools such as the Universal Law of Resonance


Promises to be informative, inspiring and engaging with plenty of tools you can take away and apply to get to work on your own personal, career and Life goals.

To enrol please visit the ACL website or call 0345 603 7635 or visit the college in person.



Personal Growth – Meet Your Potential


An inspirational  course to welcome your new year, over 4 Saturdays 10 am - 1 pm

             starting  Saturday 12th January 2019

 “The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

It is widely known that most of us only use and live out a small part of our potential in our lifetime.  On this course you will discover tools and strategies for personal development to become more of who you are and tap into your bigger potential, whether in your personal or professional life.

The course promises to be informative, fun and engaging and to inspire you to your next level of personal growth and fulfilment.

Dates and topics below:


Saturday 12.01.19  Creating your mental blueprint : The art of designing your life and developing your vision.

This can be in any area of life, planning  short or long term life visions, in a creative and fun way with a group of like-minded people.

Saturday 26.01.19 Raise your vibration – ways of creating a more positive mindset.

Learn strategies for dealing more effectively with setbacks to deal with the bumps and scrapes of life,  and gain tools for ‘getting into the zone’ any time you choose!

Saturday 02.02.19 Developing Your Inner Core – Your next level of confidence and personal power.

 We are never ‘quite there’ as life is a process with ups and downs. Learn tips and strategies on developing greater levels of inner security and self-confidence from the inside out.

Saturday 09.02.19 Unleashing Your creativity – Tips and strategies on developing a more creative approach to life, leading to greater fulfilment. Addressing barriers and ways of tapping into a more joyful way of doing things and getting more out of everyday life. Lighten up and expand your horizons.


To enrol please visit the ACL website or call 0345 603 7635 or visit the college in person.



Re-writing Your Life Script - How to Influence Your Thoughts for Positive Outcomes

An interactive free workshop with 

Alex Klokkaris

Saturday 16th February 2019 at 2 pm

As part of Wellbeing Day for Brightlingsea Winterfest

Helping to raise funds for North and Mid Essex MIND


Discover how our interpretations of life’s experiences influence our present and future direction, through meanings we attach to life events.

Gain insights into how our individual perceptions and map of the world, guide and shape the way we lead our life.

Do we have a choice in the matter? If so, how can we begin to turn things around for optimum performance and wellbeing both in our personal and professional lives?


An interactive workshop with tips and strategies on how we could become the author of our own great masterpiece and director of our life script. 


Admission free

Venue : Brightlingsea sports centre, 27 Samson's Rd, Brightlingsea, Colchester CO7 0RN




Workshops for 2018

Travelling Light: Letting go of 2018 

Saturday 15th December 10 to 1.30 pm

at the Tree Room Centre, Trinity Street, Colchester

A unique opportunity to review your year and get a dose of inspiration… Ready for 2019
What are you holding on to that is no longer serving you?
What’s weighing you down? What do you need to release? What’s not working and what challenges are you avoiding?

An insightful and inspirational workshop with practical strategies to apply to your own life and journey to clear the way and move forward in the direction of your personal wellbeing and fulfillment.

Checking in: 
knowing where you’ve been, what you’ve learnt and where you’re heading!
Identify your highlights, challenges, gifts and lessons of the year
Find what
 you want to let go of and what you want to take forward
Discover what you want to develop in yourself, both inner and outer
Gain clarity on what needs to be put in place first before mapping out your goals for the year
Rediscover your priorities and 
build foundations for 2019
Small group, complimentary resources and refreshments, all you have to do is turn up and tune in! Limited places, advance payment
Fee:  £35 per person  half price for one of you, if you bring a friend). To book email or call me on 074361 13033

Reclaim Your Christmas! Celebrating the Essence YOUR Way!

A fun and inspirational workshop with Alex Klokkaris
Saturday 1st December 2018,  at the Courtyard Studio, Tree Room Centre, Colchester,  10 am to 1.30 pm
I am sure a lot of you will agree that the essence of Xmas is overridden by the commercialism and pressures that surround it. What if there was a way of making this Xmas and festive season more fulfilling and meaningful for yourself and those around you? What would you do differently this year?
What if you could reclaim YOUR Xmas and bring the meaning back in your way?
What if it was possible to feel more in control? Connect to things that matter in this season: Gratitude, Love, Connection to self and loved ones, Giving to loved ones, Random acts of kindness, Embracing humanity, Self-forgiveness.... the list goes on.
Topics covered:
Explore your own associations with this time of year
Identify your areas of stress and strategies for managing festive pressures
Gain practical tips to manage family triggers!
Explore your version of 'contribution' - it isn't as we know, just for Xmas
Discover creative and alternative strategies for gifts and shopping
Connect to the essence Love, giving and gratitude and what that looks like for you
Strategies for making this Christmas truly enjoyable in a way that makes sense to you

We will explore together the fun and more serious aspects of what that could look like for you with a group of like-minded individuals.

Cost: £35 Half of proceeds to Colchester Night Shelter   Limited places, please book early
One free bursary place, please ask      
To book please email me or send me a text 074361 13033



New:  Colchester  Personal Development Group

Fortnightly on a Thursday night from 6 - 8 pm, Tree Room Centre, starting Thursday 13th September 2018




Imagine having a physical space away from your day to day life, once a fortnight to step back, review  your life’s journey, take stock, reflect, gain insights  and identify new ways forward for yourself. A space to keep you going, give you a boost and an anchor point between September and Christmas.

The personal development group will provide a space to explore, gain tools and inspiration for application to everyday life and its challenges, as well as your own deeper personal journey.

Each fortnight will be based on a different theme and  we shall be exploring and learning together to provoke thought, guide and inspire you to work on your own issues and current life journey.

The themes for the 8 weeks are:

 13th September Direction and Meaningful Goals   Explore, discover and begin to set your agenda for meaningful goals for yourself.
27th September Resilience and Managing Negative Thinking   Exploring tools and techniques for managing negative thinking, worry and anxiety more effectively and bringing more lightness into your life.
11th October Money and You. What ideas about money have you picked up over the years, where did they come from and in what ways are you replaying these in your life?
25th October Befriending our Shadow Whether we admit it or not, we all have it! The shadow is the part of us that is largely disowned. Learn how to recognize these aspects of ourselves and how we can make shadow our friend.
8th November Relationships, communication and honouring yourself Exploring strategies on navigating the minefield of relationships, whether intimate or family, for a greater sense of peace
22nd November Learning to love ourselves - Developing Self-Acceptance and Self-Validation  Gain powerful insights & practical strategies to make peace with yourself, gain self-acceptance and begin to enjoy being you!
6th December 
Intuition and Inner Wisdom  Techniques for getting in touch with your own internal compass and accessing your intuition.
20th DecemberThe Law of Attraction in action
How do we create our own relaity? Learn principles, tools and practical strategies to attract more of what you want in your life and less of what you don't.. Begin to apply and practice these in your own life to create positive results. [Alternative option depending on group preference is Mindfulness in Everyday Life'

 The 8 sessions will run on a Thursday evening at the Tree Room Centre. If you miss any sessions, notes and material will be forwarded to you so that you can catch up at home. If there is a prominent theme the group would like to explore, the topics can be flexible.

Fee £210   A small investment in yourself that will positively affect all areas of your life. Please book early as group is limited to 8 people journeying together.
 To book or any questions,  please email me or call on 074361 13033




The Universal Law of Attraction

A practical and inspirational workshop 

 Saturday 22nd September 2018 10 -1.30 pm

at the Courtyard studio, Tree Room Centre Colchester, Essex

Do we really create our own reality? If so, how can we change things that are not working for us and move towards what we really want?

Learn practical strategies on how you can we use the principles in the Law of Attraction to start creating the results you want.

  • Identify what you really want, in your heart of hearts
  • Learn how to apply the main principles in the Law of Attraction to draw these into your life
  • Gain insights into how you stop yourself for having or being what you want
  • Identify your individual blocks and learn tools on how to release them
  • Learn ways of raising your vibration so you can match more of what you want… and less of what you don’t!
  • Gain tips and strategies on how to manifest new realities in whichever area of your life you want


We will be going through a process with a small group of like-minded individuals. You will have the opportunity to work on your own challenges and release some blockages to your way forward.

Refreshments provided.

Venue: Courtyard Studio, The Tree Room Centre, 12 Trinity Street, Colchester CO1 1JR

Cost: £40

To book your place. Please email Alex on or text/ call her on 07436 113033. Limited places so please book early.



Re-writing Your Life Script

Tuesday 25th September 2018

7 to 8.30 pm

as part of the ACL Lecture Series

Discover how our interpretations of life’s experiences influence our present and future direction, through the meanings we attach to life events.
Gain insights into how our individual perceptions and ‘map of the world’, guide and shape the way we lead our life.
Do we have a choice in the matter?
If so, how can we begin to turn things around for optimum performance and wellbeing, both in our personal and professional lives? 

This is an interactive lecture with tips and strategies on how we could become the author of our own great masterpiece and director of our life script. 

Lecture includes complimentary tea and coffee. 


Tuesday 25th  September 2018 

Location: ACL Colchester - CO1 2LR  

Duration: 1 sessions over 1 week(s)

Time: 19:00 

Cost: £12.75  

Free and ample parking

or call the college on  0345 603 7635
0345 60345 603 7635 or email 7635 or email

Summer of 2018

Complimentary Taster Summer Workshops 

at the Tree Room, Trinity Street, Colchester

All three workshops below are FREE and you will have the opportunity to work with an experienced Life Coach to guide you through dealing with issues that hold you back.

Universal Law of Attraction 

Saturday 18th August  2018, 2 - 3.30 pm

How do we create our reality? Why do we attract certain events, people and circumstances and not others? How can we begin to consciously create? Pick up tips and strategies on how to begin to attract less of what you don’t want and more of what you do!


Group Life Coaching Session             

Saturday 25th August 2018, 2 - 3.30 pm

In this taster session you will have the opportunity to work on a topic of your choice, an issue that perhaps you feel stuck on or want to make progress on. Alex will take you through a process of addressing this and working towards identifying solutions to help move you forward.


What’s Self Love Got to do with It?                  

Saturday 1st September 2 – 3.30 pm

Perhaps at the foundation of much of our anxieties and pain, lies lack of self acceptance. We struggle, resist, judge ourselves and create turmoil in our minds and hearts. Learn strategies  to develop greater self acceptance and begin to give yourself permission to be who you are.

To book your free sessions please text or call Alex on 07436 113033 or email her



Introduction to Coaching Principles and Techniques

Starts Thursday 19th April 2018   7 - 9 pm for 6 weeks,

Venue: Colchester Institute, Essex


An overview of the life coaching model and ways it can be applied in both personal and professional development in the workplace.

You will gain a range of practical  tools and techniques based on coaching methodology for facilitating effective communication and to improve personal and professional performance.

What you will gain:

  • An understanding of the basic principles of coaching
  • An awareness of what coaching is and what it is not
  • Knowledge of the approach and mindset of a coach
  • Ability to use simple coaching processes on yourself or with others
  • Learning effective listening and rapport building techniques
  • An awareness of coaching questioning techniques
  • Practical application of range of practical coaching tools
"Very interesting, a concise and clear introduction, thank you"
"Enlightening"   "Inspiring"
"Well presented, plenty of options for group discussion, great!"
"Thank you, Very insightful, learnt many new principles to put into action."
"A really useful introduction to principles of coaching"
"Enjoying learning new perspectives, looking forward to more"
"Enjoyed the mix of information from the trainer and participation exercises. Very valuable course."

For further information and bookings please visit Colchester Institute website

Cost: £80 

Free parking available


New dates! Managing Anxiety – Taking Back Control 

Starting Tuesday 17th April 2018 

From 1.00-3.30 pm  for 6 weeks

CCG Funded and therefore free of charge . Limited places so please enroll early.


  • Identify your triggers of stress, anxiety and depression
  • Tools to help you be in control of your own state of mind
  • Strategies for dealing better with stresses of daily life
  • Techniques to help you through change and transition
  • Gain tools to help you deal with negative thinking
  • Learn how to stay focused and get your mojo back!

Friendly, professional and supportive environment, small group classes.  Do something different! What have you got to lose?

To enrol please visit the ACL website or  click directly on course link or call 0345 603 7635 or visit the college in person. 

Venue: Adult Community Learning, Wilson Marriage Centre, Barrack Street, Colchester, CO1 2LR    Free parking, bus and train routes nearby


“I have gained brilliant insight into my motivations and the way I sabotage myself. I have learned useful tools to take control. This has been a really useful course.”



ACL Lecture Series

Connecting the Dots - Creating Meaning and Fulfilment in your Life and Career

Wednesday May 2nd 2018 7 - 8.30 pm

Now more than ever, we are faced with an accelerated pace of change, often outside our control. Traditional structures such as ‘a job for life’ are no longer viable, and we are being challenged to discover new ways of managing the complexities of life and finding personal meaning and fulfilment.

How do we go about navigating this maze and find our way around this ever-changing landscape?


Do we find our purpose or create it? If so how?


To what extent do we have control over creating the changes we want in our own career and direction, and how do we go about this?

Some of us have an idea of what perhaps we would like, but dare not begin, some are lost altogether; Swamped by life’s demands, too many obstacles, not enough time or money, lack of clarity … Result:  Life passes us by, and our unsung song lies dormant beneath layers of self-doubt and dissatisfaction.


What if we each had a unique contribution to make in this life and therein lies our true fulfilment and bigger purpose? How would we know what that is, and how could we go about expressing it?


These and more questions will be explored through reference to an extensive body of work on the topic of purpose and direction, and illustrated throughout with anecdotes of the speaker’s  own journey and search for meaning and fulfilment.


This thought-provoking interactive lecture is designed to stimulate insights into your unique path and offers the opportunity for you to gain clues to your own Bigger Picture. The lecture will end with some practical tips on how to map out your own path and begin to bring your own unique vision into reality.

Venue: ACL Wilson Marriage Centre, Barrack Street, Colchester, Essex, CO1 2LR

Ticket price: £12.75

Complimentary coffee and pastries, Free parking

To book: Call the college 0345 603 7635   or book online here:  ACL Information and Bookings



ACL Lecture Series:

Demystifying ‘The Secret’ – Abundance and the Law of Attraction

Wednesday 21st February 2018 at 7 pm

Do we really create our own reality? If so how, and what are the implications?

The cutting edge theory of The Universal Law of Attraction, as highlighted in the best-selling book ‘The Secret’, has caused a stir in the personal development field and sceptics alike in recent years. Does it work, and how do CBT, quantum physics and positive psychology relate to these theories?

What if, the reality we each experience was a reflection of the sum total result of everything we think, say and do?


Is it really possible to attract the ideal home, partner, money or the job of our dreams? Do we manifest what we focus on, or are more complex factors involved? What conditions are required for the principles of this concept to work? How do we stop ourselves from having, being or doing what we truly want? What if we could have the essence of what we want right now?


An evening designed to inspire and empower you, to take greater control of your thinking, attitude and actions, so that you can ultimately influence your destiny in the direction of your dreams.


In this thought-provoking lecture, Alex will present and illustrate some of the basic concepts involved in the Law of Attraction.

Learn about the principles and universal laws involved, and how these are backed up by the latest research in quantum physics.

Gain a greater understanding of how we attract events and circumstances in our life and how we block ourselves from moving forward.


Take a glimpse at personal insights into your own patterns and learn how to create and activate powerful blueprints for your new creations!


Your take away: A set of practical tools and strategies ready for immediate application, to start creating the life results you want! 


Date: Wed 21st Feb 2018 at 7 pm

Venue: ACL Wilson Marriage Centre, Barrack Street, Colchester, Essex, CO1 2LR

Ticket price: £12.75

Complimentary coffee and pastries, Free parking

To book: Call the college 0345 603 7635   or book online





Letting go of 2017 –

Out with the old, In with the New! 

A unique opportunity to review your year and get a dose of inspiration… Ready for 2018!


Sunday December 3rd, 10.00 am – 1.30 pm

Tree Room, 12 Trinity Street, CO1 1JN


What are you holding on to that is no longer serving you?

What’s weighing you down? What do you need to release? What’s not working and what challenges are you avoiding?


 An insightful and inspirational workshop with practical strategies to apply to your own life and journey to clear the way and move forward in the direction of your dreams


  • Checking in: knowing where you’ve been, what you’ve learnt and where you’re heading!
  • Identify your highlights, challenges, gifts and lessons of the year
  • Find what you want to let go of and what you want to take forward
  • Discover what you want to develop both inside and out
  • Gain clarity on what needs to be put in place first before mapping out your goals for the year
  • Rediscover your priorities and build foundations for 2018


Small group, complimentary resources and refreshments, all you have to do is turn up and tune in! Limited places, so book now, payment in advance.


Fee:  £35 per person (half price for one of you, if you bring a friend). To book email or call me on 074361 13033



Building Self Confidence

A series of free courses for anyone who could do with a confidence boost! Due to popular demand new courses are now available.

New Dates: Monday 18th September 2017, 1.00 - 3.30 pm for six weeks


Tuesday 19th September 2017 10.00 - 12.30 for 6 weeks

  • Learn how to increase your confidence staring from where you are now
  • Identify the areas where you feel least confident
  • Identify your own personal achievements and learn to value yourself
  • Tools to take your communication skills to the next level
  • Techniques to help you through change and transition
  • Gain tools to help you set personal goals for yourself that you choose
  • Strategies on how to stay focused, get motivation and stay on track!

This course is free of charge, funded by Essex County Council

To enrol please visit the ACL website or call 0345 603 7635 or visit the college in person

Venue: Wilson Marriage College, Barrack Street, Colchester CO1 2LR


“I found this course amazingly helpful. It’s hard to put into words how empowering gaining assertiveness skills and confidence can be." 

"This course is absolutely inspirational. I would say everyone would benefit. Gaining self-reflections, skills in communication and assertiveness tools for everyday life." 

“I feel more confident in myself, more sure that I can do things that were always out of my reach. I am learning to be true to myself.”



Living your Life Purpose


A workshop on Sunday 4th June 2017

10.30 a.m.  to 3.30 p.m. in Colchester


An opportunity to step back and discover or consolidate your direction and life purpose with a small group of like-minded people.


Gain a deeper understanding about who you are, where you’ve been and where you’re going


Discover how everything that shows up in your life is pointing you in the direction you are searching for –despite outward appearances and habitual-thinking interpretations


Give some space to what is lying dormant within you waiting for the opportunity to be activated


Begin to give shape to your new emerging vision and your new perspectives


Come away with clarity about what your authentic self is showing you and map out your next steps towards a greater sense of  fulfilment


Venue: The Tree Room Centre, 12 Trinity St, Colchester CO1 1JR

Date: Sunday 4th June, 10.30 -3.30

Fee: £55 (includes refreshments and light lunch)

To book: Call me on 074361 13033, or email





Changing  Direction in Career or Life – Developing Your New Vision

A thought-provoking and powerful workshop 

Saturday 28th October 2017       From 11.00 am to 2.30 pm

Venue:  The Tree Room Centre,  12 Trinity St, Colchester CO1 1JR


Dissatisfied with aspects of your life or career? Not sure where to start from to make changes? 

Are you wanting to make a change but not sure how to go about it, too many blocks?

What is holding you back?        

This workshop will help you get clear about where you are now and what your priorities are. We will explore what stops us from gaining momentum to go forward. You will have the chance to begin to map out your vision with some simple steps to prepare for change.

              Take stock of where you are at now

            Explore your passions, natural gifts and dreams

           Identify the elements of what’s important to you now

           Start creating a vision that reflects WHO YOU ARE NOW            Techniques to deal with sabotaging thoughts and fea

Fully connect to your emerging vision

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” Anais Nin

Fees for investing in yourself: £30.00. Discount for low earners. Complimentary refreshments provided.

To book: email me, Alex on or callr on 074361 13033. Last day for bookings Wed 25th Oct.

“I loved Alex’s workshop, it gave me a great chance to stand back and re-evaluate with a small like-minded group of people. I am so much clearer about where I am heading for and look forward to implementing my first steps.” 


Places limited so book now. If you’re ready for a change, I look forward to seeing you there and beginning your new journey together. – Alex K.


Workshop Saturday 11th June 2016                              Accessing Your Intuition and Inner Wisdom for your Own Best Advice on ... anything! 

Workshops 2016

“At times you have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you'll discover will be wonderful. What you'll discover is yourself.” - Alan Alda


Do you sometimes get the feeling of knowing something without knowing how you know? An urge that doesn’t particularly make sense or a gut feeling that if acted upon brings us positive results?


What if there was a part of you that you could access at any time to give you wisdom and guidance through life, from the smallest to the biggest decisions, directions and dilemmas?


And what if we all had our own answers and all the resources within us right now?

 Through some simple practices, you can train yourself to tune in to the infinite intelligence and have answers revealed step by step for a lifetime of guidance.


Learn techniques for getting in touch with your own internal compass and accessing your intuition.


In this workshop we will:

  • Learn how to tap into this wonderful resource that we so often overlook.
  • Explore where intuition comes from
  • Identify ways in which we sometimes block this inner wisdom
  • Learn how to recongise the whispers and signs of our intuition
  • Gain tools and techniques on accessing intuition and inner guidance


Venue: The Tree Room, Courtyard Studio, 12 Trinity Street, Colchester.

Times: 10.30 - 1.00

Fee: £25 per person, half price for one of you if you bring a friend

To book: Please email me at or drop me a text/call 074361 13033

Complimentary refreshments and resources to take away, plus guidance email sent to you before the workshop to help you get in the right frame of mind!


Learning to Love Ourselves - Developing Self-Acceptance and Self-Validation                                                               A Workshop on Saturday 28th May 2016                                                           

" Your task is not to seek Love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it." - Rumi, 13th Century Sufi poet


Do you get the feeling that we you are ‘never enough’ – good enough, clever enough, accomplished enough?


How do you think your experience of life would change, if you really knew and accepted yourself, with all your faults and imperfections?


Most of us grew up not being shown our own self-worth, and have gone through a lifetime of feeling ‘less than’ or ‘not good enough’.  


Somewhere along the line we have picked up parental and cultural messages and influences that say that being hard on yourself and self-criticism are good because they keep you in line, and that being compassionate to yourself is self-indulgent!


We internalise these messages and perpetuate them through the generations.


Discover the ways in which we sabotage ourselves, seek approval and put ourselves down. Learn how to replace them with new self-affirming beliefs and healthy self-love. Gain powerful insights & practical strategies to make peace with yourself, gain self-acceptance and begin to enjoy being you!


  • Identify your own barriers to self-acceptance and self-worth
  • Identify the voice and patterns of your Inner Critic
  • Learn strategies on healing and forgiving yourself for the past
  • Identify people, habits and patterns that drain you
  • Learn how to keep connection with yourself and honour your needs
  • Confirm your boundaries and assertiveness as part of self-care
  • Ways of living to your values and being true to yourself
  • Your very own intensive self-care toolkit to take away and incorporate!

Venue: The Tree Room, Courtyard Studio, 12 Trinity Street, Colchester, CO1 1JN

Time: 10.30 am to 1.00 pm

Complimentary refreshments and resources provided

Fee: £25 per person, half price for one of you if you bring a friend!

To book: please email me or call/text 074361 13033




Transferable Skills - A workshop, with Alex Klokkaris on Wednesday 1st June 2016

If you weren’t struggling with worrying about future or ruminating in the past, what would you channel your time and energy into doing?

 Explore, discover and begin to set your agenda for meaningful goals for yourself. An inspirational workshop to explore your emerging vision and set compelling goals to guide you forward

Uncover your deepest values and explore how we can incorporate them not in some future life when ‘the conditions are right’ but NOW!

  • Take stock of where you are
  • Explore strengths, skills, natural gifts, passions and interests
  • Identify your current work and life values
  • Start creating a vision that reflects WHO YOU ARE NOW
  • Deal effectively with sabotaging thoughts and patterns
  • Fully connect to your vision and set your intention and commitment
  • Learn the secrets of successful goal setting
  • Staying focused and on track
  • Successfully dealing with resistance, self-doubt and setbacks
  • Motivational techniques to stay on track

Learn skills and techniques for all the above in a series of interactive exercises.

Come along with a pad and pen and an open mind. Venue: Courtyard Studio, The Tree Room, 12 Trinity Street, Colchester,CO1 1JN

Refreshments provided.   Cost £25 per person

(Half price for one of you if you bring a friend)

To book your place call or text Alex on 07436 113033

Or email




Could you do with a boost for applying for jobs or volunteer work? Do you lack confidence in how to put yourself across more confidently?

Come along to a free half-day workshop at CVST on Wednesday 1st June 12.30 to 4.30. Learn how to:

 - Identify your very own unique skills set

 - Get clarity on exactly what you’re aiming for

 - Learn how to ‘package’ and ‘sell’ your skills to employers or for new volunteering opportunities

 - Get plenty of inspiration boost your confidence

 - Small group, welcoming and friendly environment

 - Personal guidance by an experienced professional Careers Coach


Venue: Imperial House, Rosemary Road, Clacton, CO15 1NZ

This is a funded course and therefore FREE if you are over 19 and have less than 5 GCSE's grade C or below. You are still welcome if you do not fit the funding criteria, for a fee of £25


To book please call Richard Perkins, Training Manager at CVST on 01255 425692 or email me



Changing Direction  - A free one-day workshop in Clacton Thursday 23rd June 2016

Are you considering a change in career or lifestyle direction?

 Do you want to make a change but don’t know where to start? What is holding you back?

 You have your vision. You have an idea of where you would like to go. Or perhaps you have a vague idea but need some clarity and motivation. Now is the time to start to give it shape. This inspirational workshop is designed to guide you through the process of getting started.

  • Take stock of where you are at now
  • Explore your passions, natural gifts and dreams
  • Identify the elements of your Life’s Work
  • Start creating a vision that reflects WHO YOU ARE NOW
  • Deal with sabotaging thoughts and fear
  • Successful goal setting and techniques to stay on track
  • Preparation and groundwork
  • Make a plan that works for you and get the support you need

Date and Times: Thursday 23rd June, 9.30 am – 4.30 pm

Venue: CVS Tendring, Imperial House, 20 -22 Rosemary Road, Clacton on Sea, CO15 1NZ

Trainer: Professional Trainer and Careers Coach Alex Klokkaris

 Bookings: Please call Richard Perkins at CVS Tendring on 01255 425692

Fees: If you are over 19, out of work and have LESS than 5 GCSEs at grade C or above, the course is funded and therefore free.   (Fee is £25 for those not eligible.)  Promises to be fun, informative and inspirational!  Friendly and supportive atmosphere. Book now as places are limited.


Befriending Your Shadow
                       A workshop on Saturday 14th May 2016

 Whether we admit it or not, we all have it! The shadow is the part of us that is largely disowned. If not acknowledged and recognized it can cause self-sabotage, keep us ‘safe’ but static, play unconscious games and ‘fool’ us into a false sense of security. Find out how to recognize these aspects of ourselves and how we can make shadow our friend.

We are dualistic by nature. We all have parts of us that we repress, reject or deny; self-judgement, low self-esteem, negativity, lack of authenticity,, addictive behaviours, judgement of others, the list goes on.

Carl Jung  described the shadow as ‘the person you would rather not be.’The shadow part of us is not something scary, it is simply made up of the parts of us that we refuse to acknowledge. They usually live in the subconscious, affect our behaviours and reactions and sabotage our best-laid plans and intentions.

The nature of our shadow is to hide and remain outside our awareness. From there it can do its work. Thinking it’s protecting us, it often sabotages us, or keeps us in a safe place in our comfort zone, builds defences and stops us from moving forward. The shadow itself is not a problem, but our failure to accept and acknowledge it is.
 Your individual shadow has a function. How helpful is it? How much is it hindering you and stopping you from having a better and more fulfilling life for yourself?
What does it have to teach you? What can it show you?
In this workshop you will:

  • Identify the ways in which you sabotage yourself
  • Discover patterns and characteristics of your own shadow
  • Learn how you can begin to re-engage with your shadow and listen to its truth
  • Dialogue with those parts of you, what do they have to say?
  • Identify the neglected parts of you crying out for attention
  • Learn how to begin making peace with your shadow
  • Discover the gifts your shadow holds for you
  • Techniques for transforming and integrating the shadow

When: Saturday May 14th, 10.30 a.m. - 1.00 pm
Where? Courtyard Studio, The Tree Room, Colchester, 12 Trinity Street, Essex
Cost: £25 per person, half price for one of you if you bring a friend.
Price includes pre-workshop preparation via email and free resources 
Warm welcome and complimentary refreshments

Small, safe group environment, share as much or as little as you wish.

To book: email me Alex at or call/text on074361 13033

Money and YOU!                                                                   The workshop you never knew you needed until now!  Saturday 30th April, Colchester

A fun and revealing workshop on Saturday 30th April  

Venue: Tree Room, Courtyard Studio, 12Trinity Street, Colchester, Essex


What’s your relationship to money?

Do you see the glass full or half empty?

Does it feel like a struggle to make or attract money?

Are you worried it’s going to run out?

Deep down, do you respect it, fear it or love it?


Explore your relationship to and perception of money. Is your attitude towards it attracting or keeping it away? Together we will uncover your unconscious emotions and beliefs around money and discover how you are stopping yourself from attracting more of it!

Gain tools on how to change your money mindset and increase abundance in your life!

  • Discover meanings you attach to money
  • Play the Money Game to reveal your deepest relationship with money!
  • What messages have you internalised from parents, culture etc. and are currently unconsciously playing out?
  • Develop an awareness of your own patterns with money
  • Scarcity and prosperity consciousness - what are they - how can they be changed to increase the flow of money into your life?
  • Learn to change unhelpful beliefs about money
  • Develop actions to implement your new perceptions
  • Tips and strategies on how to start attracting greater abundance!

Promises to be fun, inspiring and insightful!



Time: 10.30 – 1.00

Cost: £25 per person, half price for one of you if you bring a friend

Book early as places are limited. Please bring along £2 in small change for the money game!


To reserve your place, please email Alex Klokkaris on or phone/text 074361 13033



Resilience and Managing Your negative thoughts

A Practical Workshop on Saturday 16th April, 10.30 - 1.00, Colchester, Essex

Our non stop chattering mind is constantly obsessing about the past or the worrying about the future... The question is, to what extent does this interfere with your daily wellbeing, your sense of peace, energy levels and life?


 What if there were ways of managing negative thoughts so that the mind can be used as the tool that it is and not the master we make it out to be?


* Gain insights into your own themes and negative patterns

*Learn tools and techniques for managing negative thoughts, worry and anxiety

* Learn strategies for bringing more lightness into your life and therefore having more energy for things that bring you more peace, joy and fulfilment


Methodologies taken from Positive Performance Coaching, CBT, Positive Psychology and other recent personal development tools.


“The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.”William James- American Philosopher and Psychologist


- Strategies for developing emotional resilience

- Creating optimal states for dealing with challenging situations

- Developing greater levels of sustained focus

- Improving effectiveness in decision-making

- Developing realistic optimism and sense of wellbeing


Cup of tea and warm welcome

Time: 10.30 am – 1 pm

Price: £25 per person, half price for one of you if you bring a friend

Venue: The Courtyard Studio, Tree Room, 12 Trinity Street, Colchester

Contact me  on Alex Klokkaris or text/call on 074361 13033       

Book early as the groups are small




Saturday March 19th 10.30 – 1.00


Take charge of your own Life Script!!


Discover how we get in our own way… and how to get out of it!


Do you find yourself getting stuck, procrastinating, doubting yourself frequently?

Are you expert at stopping yourself from moving forward?


We operate mostly on automatic through deeply ingrained patterns or scripts gathered over the years.

 ‘Beliefs’ are ideas (not facts!) we have formed about who we are, how the world around us works and how we fit into that. They predetermine our life experiences and mostly live in our subconscious.


Gain insights into your own self-sabotaging patterns and learn techniques for new self-supporting ways of thinking and being.


  • Identify your own self-defeating patterns
  • Discover the ways you are holding yourself back
  • Learn techniques on how to separate from your own critical voices
  •  Begin to dismantle your perceived limitations
  • Learn how to train your mind to deal with negative thinking
  • Gain tools and techniques to support yourself through positive change


Venue: Courtyard Studio, Tree Room   Cost: £25 including course notes and refreshments (Bring a friend and one of you gets half price)

To book please call Alex on 074361 13033 or email




Give Yourself a Boost ready for the New Year!

Starting March 2016: Personal Development and Coaching Workshops at the Tree Room, Colchester


A series of workshops a place to check in, gain insights and share inspiration and support. Explore, discover and exchange in a small, safe group environment, with expert guidance and the wisdom of the group entity.

WORKSHOPS CAN BE BOOKED INDEPENDENTLY OR AS A PACKAGE AT A DISCOUNT FEE. Resources and activities for any sessions missed will be emailed.


Sessions take place at the Courtyard Studio, Tree Room on a Saturday morning, from 10.30 to 1.00



March 19th. Limiting Beliefs: How we get in our own way and how to get out of it!

Exploring how we turn against ourselves, doubt our abilities, procrastinate and self-sabotage. Identify your own patterns and learn techniques on how to separate from your own critical voices and begin to dismantle your perceived limitations.

 What ideas do you have about yourself, others and the ‘way the world works’? How do these ideas help or hinder us in the way we lead our life?  We operate mostly on automatic through deeply ingrained scripts gathered from childhood onwards. Gain insight into your own patterns and learn how to develop new life-enhancing ways of thinking and being.

April 2nd. Creating Purpose, Direction and Meaningful Goals

In this session we will uncover our deepest values and explore how we can incorporate them not in some future life when ‘the conditions are right’ but NOW!  How do we find or create meaning in our lives? If you weren’t struggling with worrying about future or ruminating in the past, what would could you channel your time and energy into doing? Explore, discover and begin to set your agenda for meaningful goals for yourself. Gain tips for successful goal setting and you’re ready to go!

April 16th. Resilience and Managing Negative Thinking. What do you do when negative thoughts take you over? Learn tools and techniques for managing negative thinking, worry and anxiety more effectively and bringing more lightness into your life.

April 30th.  Money and You. What ideas about money have you picked up over the years, where did they come from and in what ways are you replaying these in your life? This session will offer a chance to stand back and re-evaluate your internalised messages about and relationship to money! Also some fun with the very revealing money game! Learn tips and strategies for developing an abundance mentality!

May 14th. Befriending our Shadow  Whether we admit it or not, we all have it! The shadow is the part of us that is largely disowned. If not acknowledged and recognised it can cause damage through self-sabotage, keeping us ‘safe’ but static, playing unconscious games and ‘fooling’ us into a false sense of security. Find out how to recognise these aspects of ourselves and how we can make shadow our friend.

May 28th. Learning to love ourselves -  Developing Self-Acceptance and Self-Validation

Learn how we can manage the voices of the Inner critic and the feeling that we are ‘never enough’ – good enough, clever enough, accomplished enough? Discover the ways in which we sabotage ourselves, seek approval and put ourselves down. Learn how to replace them with new self-affirming beliefs and healthy self-love. Gain powerful insights and practical strategies to make peace with yourself, develop self-acceptance and begin to enjoy being you!

June 11th. Intuition and Inner Wisdom  What if there was a part of you that you could learn to access at any time to give you wisdom and guidance? Learn how to get in touch with your own internal compass and how to access your intuition that contains all the guidance you need.

June 25th. The Law of Attraction in action! What if we really attracted events, people and circumstances in our lives through our own thinking and feeling process? How does that work? What do we need to adjust in order to attract more of what we want and less of what we don’t want? Learn tools, techniques and strategies which have been tried and tested.

Cost for the 8 weeks: £170 

Includes weekly preparation emails with resources, catch up email if you missed a session, and free refreshments on the day.


Workshops can also be booked individually for £25 per session


To book:  Please call Alex on 074361 13033 or email


Feedback from 2015 Personal Development and Coaching group:

“The group made me look at myself in a way I never thought possible. I enjoyed the sessions and looked forward to them each week. I enjoyed that I could add as much or as little to discussions as I felt comfortable with.”

"Enabled me to put past hurts away and move on."

“It was great working in a group as I was able to hear other perspectives and realise that we all have issues. It helped me to distract from the ‘poor me’ attitude. Also it has proved cheaper working in the group as opposed to one to one, which I would like but not in position to."

"The group helped me gain a better understanding of some of my patterns, especially unhelpful beliefs. Also able to look at things from a different angle and a greater sense of perspective."

“Alex provided us with a unique style of self-help, incorporating many tools to enable us to come up with our own solutions to our own problems. Would recommend to anyone.”

"Alex was super,compassionate and friendly, excellent email and communications in between sessions."

“I am still working on the tools you gave us in the sessions and at times feel so much more optimistic and in control of my life. I am practising self-acceptance also when things are not going right and the group made me realise that I am not alone on many things I am struggling with. Others seem to have different versions of what I struggle with.”



2016 Goals Workshop - Learn the Art of Successful Goal Setting!
Saturday 9th January 2016,  1.00 pm to 3.30 pm

An inspiring Saturday afternoon in the centre of Colchester Town!

If you were really honest with yourself, what do you want to be different about 2016? What 3 things will help you be happier and more at peace with yourself and your life?

Time to set some goals that are doable, exciting (for you) and take you in the direction that is meaningful for you. Successful goal setting is a skill and even an art form. Come along to this workshop to work with a small group on getting the foundations down, ready for the launch of your new year!
  • Checking in: Name what you want to let go of and what you want to take forward
  • Discover what you want to develop in yourself, both internally and externally
  • Gain clarity on what you need to put in place first before mapping out your goals for the year
  • Rediscoveyour priorities and build foundations for 2016
  • An opportunity to define your goals and learn strategies for making them happen
  • Beat procrastination: learn tips and techniques for building up and sustaining motivation
  • Reminders and tools on how to be kind to yourself, deal with setbacks, yet keep moving forward

    Goals Workshop Venue: Courtyard Studio, the Tree Room, 12 Trinity Street, Colchester, CO1 1JN
    Date: Saturday January 9th 1 pm to 3.30 pm
    Fee: £20 (half price if you bring a friend)
    For bookings drop me an email or call 074361 13033
    Get inspired, focused and motivated on the things that matter to you!


Letting go of 2015 – Building Your Foundations for New Beginnings

A one-off pre Xmas workshop to pause, reflect, review!


Sunday December 13th  2015, 10.30 – 1.00pm Tree Room, Courtyard Studio 12 Trinity Street, CO1 1JN


What’s been good about 2015?  Or are you relieved it is coming to a close?

It’s so easy to let another year slip by with that niggling feeling of time acceleration, a vague feeling of dissatisfaction and anxiety, and then there is the pressure of Christmas……!!!


Get things into perspective and prepare for the New Year with new confidence

A unique opportunity to review your year and get a dose of inspiration…


Alex Klokkaris, experienced Life Coach and Trainer, offers you a space to stand back and evaluate, with expert guidance, all that the year has brought for you! Gain some insights into your year and add clarity to your way forward.


You will have the opportunity to:

  • Identify own unique highlights, challenges, gifts and lessons of the year
  • Recognise and celebrate your achievements both internal and external
  • Name what you want to let go of and what you want to take forward
  • Discover you want to develop in yourself, internally and externally
  • Gain clarity on what you need to put in place first before mapping out your goals for the year
  • Rediscover your priorities and build foundations for 2016
  • Checking in: knowing where you’ve been, what you’ve learnt and where you’re heading!


There will be interactive exercises where you will have a chance to review, explore and receive feedback, as well as gain your own insights.


Safe , supportive environment, small group, free refreshments provided, all you have to do is turn up and tune in! Limited places. (Bookings closing date is Wednesday 9th Dec.)

Fee:  £25 per person or half price if you bring a friend. To book email or call me on 074361 13033


See you there! – Alex 



The Law of Attraction: What it's all about and how it works!

A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks he becomesGandhi


From the Buddha, to Gandhi and from Plato to Jesus, to the great sages of all time, all seem to be giving us the same messages about how we create our own reality. The most recent developments in quantum physics also point to a similar direction regarding the nature of reality: 

Our thoughts and emotions are energy vibrating at certain frequencies which attract people, events and circumstances of similar frequencies.Like a radio station, we all have a pulsating vibration that broadcasts our individual signal and determines everything we attract to our life. The power of our most dominant thoughts plus the force of our most frequent and intense emotions produce the resonance of our personal energy field. In turn, we attract circumstances in our reality that match these. So how do we go about changing our energy to attract better things in our life?

Find out how:

  •  We create our own reality not only with our thoughts but also with our emotions.
  • By coming from a space of ‘needing’ something we may be actually repelling it
  • Change our emotional states to better feeling emotions and thoughts.
  • Gain a degree of control over these through learning to direct our thoughts
  • The role of visualisation and gratitude in helping to manifest something
  • How letting go of outcomes is a very powerful tool

Come with an open mind and a willingness to explore.
When? Saturday 28th November, 10.30 – 12.30
Where? The Courtyard Studio, over a cup of tea! Address 12 Trinity Street, Colchester, CO1 1JN
How much? Still introductory price of £15, half price if you bring a friend
How to book? Call me, Alex on 074361 13033 or drop me an email at


Personal Development and Coaching Group

Oct - Nov 2015


Update 27/11/15:  Following this successful pilot group, another is now starting in January 2016, based in Colchester, Essex. Places are limited.  For the full programme please drop me a line or leave your email as a newsletter subscriber (see above)


An 8-week course for your weekly dose of inspiration, support, insight and who knows… some personal breakthroughs! Time: 10.30 – 12.30 on Saturdays Venue: 12 Trinity Street, Colchester


There will be a short presentation on each week’s topic,  introduction to a variety of tools and techniques, then it’s over to you: Individual, pair work, group discussion and feedback. We will be learning, exchanging and growing together! The aim is to enjoy the process and give you a weekly boost and methods to apply to your own life and challenges. Confidential, safe environment.


Week 1  10th October  (Courtyard Studio)

Limiting Beliefs – How we get in our own way

Exploring how we turn against ourselves, doubt our abilities, procrastinate and self-sabotage.

Identify your own patterns and learn techniques on how to separate from your own critical voices


Week 2  17th October  (Courtyard Studio)

Setting Yourself Meaningful Personal Goals

So often we make do with a level of personal dissatisfaction and stay in our comfort zone. Learn coaching techniques that you can apply to your own life to set yourself meaningful and doable goals


Week 3  24th October   (upstairs at the Green Room)

Developing Greater Confidence and Self-Love

Learn how we can begin to give ourselves first what we need. Pick up strategies to increase your self-esteem and self-confidence which you can begin to immediately apply to your own daily life.


Week 4     31st October (Courtyard Studio)

Questioning our Patterns. Your unconscious Life Script and Key Players.

As children we internalise a whole set of patterns which we unconsciously replay. Who were the key Influencers in your life and what did you pick up from them? We attract situations in our lives that present similar themes. Learn tools on how to turn around patterns of the past that are no longer working for you, and how to substitute them with life-enhancing new ways of thinking and being.


Week 5   7th November (Courtyard Studio)

Getting in Touch with Your Intuition and Higher Guidance

We all have our own inner Wise Self that can guide us through life, from the smallest to the biggest decisions, directions and dilemmas. Learn some techniques on how access and learn to trust your own intuition. Connect to your internal sat nav system that contains all the guidance you need.


Week 6    14th November (Courtyard Studio)

Relationships, Boundaries and Communication

Unfortunately there isn’t a ‘relationship bible’ with all the answers. In this session we will learn how to navigate relationships more successfully, be more authentic and how to encourage good communication, assertiveness and a free-er expression of your own truths without fear.


Week 7   21st November (Courtyard Studio)

Building Resilience and Inner Freedom

In this week’s workshop, we will look at ways of managing stress and anxiety more effectively so that it has less of an impact in your daily life. A number of tools and techniques will be discussed which you can try out and choose from, to bring more lightness in your daily life.


Week 8   28th November (Courtyard Studio)

Law of attraction. What is it all about? Do we really create our own reality, if so, how? How can we create a better reality for ourselves? There are a number of ways in which you can learn to do this and we will cover some of them today, including visualisation, affirmations and gratitude.


Your investment in yourself: £97 for the 8 weeks, paid in advance. No worries if any sessions are missed, you will receive the main points covered, plus exercises to do by email for that given week. I will also be available for any questions and feedback by email or telephone in between sessions.


Venue: The Tree Room, 12 Trinity Street, Colchester, Essex, CO1 1JN

To book: Please email me on or call on 07436 113033


Monday 15th June 2015

 Changing Direction in Your Career

 ‘Then the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk to blossom.’ Anais Nin

Are you considering a change in career or lifestyle direction?

 Do you have inklings and dreams that are waiting for permission to happen?

 What is holding you back?

 You have your vision. You have an idea of where you would like to go. Now is the time to start to give it shape. This inspirational workshop is designed to guide you through the process of grounding your ideas and begin the exciting process of bringing your vision into reality.

  • Take stock of where you are at now

  • Explore your passions, natural gifts and dreams

  • Identify the elements of your Life’s Work

  • Start creating a vision that reflects WHO YOU ARE NOW

  • Deal with sabotaging thoughts and fear

  • Successful goal setting and staying focused

  • Preparation and groundwork

  • Planning with the end in mind

Times: 9.30 am – 4.30 pm

Venue:Summit House, 14 – 16 Orwell Road, CO15 1PP.

 Bookings: Please call Richard Perkins on 01255 425692

Fees: If you are over 19, out of work and below Level 2 qualifications, the course is funded and therefore free. If none of these apply it's £50


ACCESS Cultural Awarness Workshops

A series of specialised workshops for social services professionals and anyone working within safeguarding


Facilitated by Alex Klokkaris and Rachel Walton


  • Wednesday 4th February 2015 First Site, Colchester
  • Wedesday 22nd April 2015 The Beehive,Thurrock
  • Thursday, 30th April 2015 Pavilion Cricket Ground,Chelmsford
  • Tuesday 5th May2015 St Helena's Training Centre,Colchester


Due to popular demand these workshops are being repeated in three additional locations. For details please click here

For further information contact Louise Gooch, Strategic Migration Partnership, East of England LGA, email:    telephone: 01284 758308


Delegate feedback from Feb. workshop:

 "It has strengthened my commitment to work collaboratively with the existing agencies to establish community trust." Feb 2015

 "I feel more passionate and mindful in going forward with my work with multi-cultural families." Feb 2015




Wednesday 15th April 2015

Marketing Your Transferable Skills

A high impact short course to boost your confidence in and awareness of the skills set you possess and to show you how these can be transfered to other jobs and careers you may not have considered before.

  • Learn how to increase the chances of getting the job you want!
  • Complete a detailed skills analysis to identify current skills
  • How your skills can be an asset to a potential employer
  • Match your unique set of skills to jobs and careers
  • Recognise skills accrued from other areas of life
  • How to present your skills on CVs, application forms and interviews

Venue: CVS Tendring, Imperial House, 20 Rosemary Rd, Clacton on Sea,CO15 1NZ                                                                              

To book: Please call Richard Perkins on 01255  425692             Feedback from previous participants:

"I have discoverd in myself skills that I was not aware that I have!" M. Florea

"I am now able update my CV and go for an interview with full confidence."

 Tendei Marsters, Education professional

"It has made me aware of my full range of skills and how they can be transfered between jobs." Oana, ESL teacher


Saturday 7th March 2015

You can do it! Getting Motivated Workshop

A high-impact workshop that will get you inspired and rearing to go!

Do you keep getting stuck or losing your focus?

Do you get swamped and overwhelmed by well… life?

Do you lose track of your goals and go round in circles?

Find out ways to improve and maintain your motivation

Gain tools, techniques and resources to get inspired and empowered so that you can MAKE YOUR MOVE!

We will look at:

  • How habits steer our actions
  • How to set effective goals that work for you
  • Techniques to help you stay on track
  • How to deal with distractions
  • Some secrets to successful time management!
  • Leave with a plan and a sense of purpose ready to
  • Find out about Goals Groups for regular motivation top-ups


Times: 10 am to 1.00 pm, cost £25, Central Colchester venue

Small group so we can work on your individual challenges, limited places, book now

Email me Alex, at

or call on 07436 113033

Client Feedback:

"Gave me the opportunity to take a step back and look at things, plus got lots more clarity." Stuart, Accountant

"Great workshop. I feel I can tackle my clutter at last and be more organised."

Elaine Marie Buckley, Professional make-up Artist


Workshops for 2014

Tuesday 5th November 2014

Open Dialogue Workshop


Facilitation of an Open Dialogue workshop, between representatives of public services and local women who have migrated to the East of England.

The aim of the workshop is to encourage dialogue and awareness of access to public services and barriers encountered, to build positive and lasting relations in the community and to identify sustainable service improvements.

The workshop is part of the ACCESS project, organised by the East of England Migration Partnership in conjunction with Tacmep.

Attendance is by invitation only. To register your interest please contact

Time: 9.30 - 12.30

Venue: First Site, Colchester, Lewis Gardens, High Street, Colchester, CO1 1JH.

Refreshments and light lunch provided

Delegate feedback:

“Enjoyed workshop, found it thought-provoking, great discussions. Would like more opportunities such as this to increase my cultural competence and knowledge.”

“Opportunity to sort out and learn from migrant communities of issues/problems they have accessing services.”

“Excellent opportunity to meet representatives from local community and agencies, to hear real stories of life and the perspectives of those who count.”



April 7th and 8th 2014

Community Ambassador Training

Update 10.03.14: This course is NOW FULLY BOOKED. For forthcoming Community Ambassador Courses please contact reception at telephone number below.


How much a part of your local community do you feel? Would you like the opportunity to build your confidence and have greater involvement in what happens in your locality?

This course will provide an introduction to the subject and help you achieve clarity as to what role you do want to play and preparing you with tools to take your first steps.

 Learn how to effectively have a voice in your community and how to help expand the potential of your own community.

A range of individual and teamwork activities will be covered to support, inform and inspire you into action!

The course will also offer an opportunity to move on to the next level to acquire an accredited qualification in Community Development later in the year.

Time:  11.30 am - 3.30 pm

Duration of course: 2 sessions

Venue: Adult community college, St Osyth Rd, Clacton on Sea


To book, please go online at or telephone the college on 0845 6037635 

" Exellent networking opportunities. new to the area and got to make many links and contacts." Angela H

" I have a list of actions as a result of the course. These actions will enable me to take my Residents' Forum into further development."

G.B. Chairperson of Pier Ward Residents Panel

"I have gained lots of confidence from the course, improved my networking and organisational skills." P.G.



Online and teelphone coaching appointments available, please call 074361 13033 - if you leave a voicemail will get back to you within 24 hours

or email me at



:"You help my spirits rise and stay focused on my journey of real and lasting change...I am finding the coaching sessions with you very helpful and I truly value them!
Thank you so much"
TF Environmental Lecturer,  2020
"I can't put into words how much your style of workshop and presenting things to us in such an insightful way, really resonates with me. I find the groups, whether face to face or online really thought-provoking and potentially life changing. Thank you!' 
Jo,  Artist   October 2020


" Alex is a truly inspirational trainer. My  work with her has served to reinforce my own inklings as to the way forward and as a result of the training I have developed a greater certainty as to what I will be doing next."



Bringing Your Vision into Reality workshop 

"Coaching with Alex helped me move forward with a plan that I feel confident about. I recommend it for everyone.


Education Manager


"After each session, I felt revitalised, invigorated, recharged and ready to hit those challenges!  I have developed as a person through our sessions with a renewed clarity  in my life and Alex was pivotal in that change."

Kevin Hannigan



"Alex helped me identify some vital elements I needed to deal with before I could even think of properly mapping out goals for the next stage in my life."


Teacher and Artist


"Through my coaching with Alex, I felt encouraged and supported to make necessary changes and come up with solutions that were right for me.'

Ann Draycott

Owner of 'Time for your Life'


"Alex has the incredible ability to ask the right questions and even more importantly to wait for the answers, helping me to clear the clutter in my mind and enhance my own self-belief with her infectuous enthusiasm."

William McCaferty


" Thanks for a great session.Once again leaving it feeling very positive and in control."

D.O. Arts Administrator, London

"Loved the workshop in so many ways. Lovely people, interactive, liked the way it was conducted, fantastic. An enjoyable and inspirational experience."


Developing Your Vision workshop




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